Determined little guy

Ty's cousin James is so cute.  He sent Ty a drawing of Super Ty, who is a super hero who embodies the super powers of ALL the best super heroes combined.  So, he has spiderman webs, an iron man chest, a superman cape, batman mask, etc.  Ty smiles so big when we tell him how even though he doesn't feel very strong right now, all of his amazing super powers are in his head and in his heart.  I think he really knows it to be true.

For example, Ty is limited to only one arm at this point.  He doesn't have the strength to lift it, but he is still capable of bending it at his elbow and grasping things.  You would think anyone, especially a 3 year old, would carry on and say "I can't... I can't..." but Ty is constantly saying just the opposite.  When I try to hold his juice for him, he insists "I can do it myself," and he manages to get it to his mouth even if it takes a while.  When I try to feed him, he also insists on holding the fork, getting the food on the fork, and bringing it up to his mouth all by himself. too.  He hits his cheek and drops the food, but he never gives up.  He is incredible. 

One of my best friends, Colleen, often writes messages to Ty that say, "I won't give up if you won't give up."  Well, just for the record, Ty is not giving up :)  Treatment has just begun so there isn't much to report other than the fact that he has been doing well over the past few days.  Ever since his increased steroids, he hasn't had much headpain or nausea which is a huge, huge relief for all of us.  He has been pretty happy, which is all I can ask for right now.  It will be a while before we know if radiation is effective, and the uncertainty in waiting is already torture, but thanks to all of your love and support we continue to put one foot forward and stay as strong as we can for Ty's sake.  Thanks to you all.


  1. Ty is beyond amazing!! This cancer is no match against Super Ty!! I know in my heart that Ty WILL beat this! All our love, hugs and prayers continue to be with all of you. ♥

  2. Ty my kids and I are sending you all our anti-kryptonite powers!! You can do this superTy, badguy-C is sneaky but you will beat him!! Love and prayers,

    Brooke, Emily and Owen ;)

  3. Hey there sorry to bother you guys, but I read one of your older posts that your sons tumor decreased in size when he had meningitis. I was reading about some clinical trials using viruses to eat the cancer and thought how perfect that would be for your son based on his tumor location. They are called oncolytic viruses. I saw this one site but I am sure you can find more or get in touch with someone at Sloan that might know someone.
    I am a Pathologist's assistant and studied medicine for ten years and I really believe that this choice of therapy will help many. The research is all so new, but the results so far are impressive. Please look into it. In the meantime, I will speak to some people I know at Sloan and see if they know more specifics.



    here is another link I got from the MSKCC search engine, so Sloan does have research now using Oncolytic viruses


  5. Thanks, Brooke. The doctor's have mentioned several times that Ty's tumor was kept at bay during the various times he was fighting infection (a blessing and a curse). Not sure if he is strong enough for that kind of therapy because he is so immuno-compromised right now, but definitely something to consider. Especially if the radiation can get him to a place where he is off steroids - because right now the steriods pose the biggest risk. Thank you SO much for your ideas.

  6. I won't give up either Ty!!!!! Stay strong you are a super hero and we all know it!!!

  7. Prayers and a big warm encompassing hug from our family of 4 in North Carolina. We follow your fight daily! Keep up the fight Super TY!

  8. I occasionally read your posts out loud to my own family. My children - ages 10, 8 and 6 - and I mention Ty in our prayers every night, so they often ask how he is doing. We are always amazed and inspired by Ty's patience and perseverance. And as a mom, I am humbled by your strength and courage. We have faith that this cancer can be beaten and that Ty is just the child to do it.

  9. Wow Ty, you are sooooo amazing. Keep up the fight little guy and I will keep sending you lots of good energy from up in Canada.

  10. Cindy and Lou!
    I'm sure you already know that the radiation treatments will make Ty very tired, so don't get is expected. We are here for you and always sending our love and prayers. If Gavin is in need of a break, we would love to have him...anything you need, we're on it! TKO Ty..beat that cancer up!

  11. :) I am so happy to hear that Ty is feeling better! That is wonderful news! :-) Go Ty! You are such a strong little boy! We will never give up either!

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  12. SuperTy keep those boxing gloves on. We're in your corner!
    Sending you positive vibes and prayers. We will be joining the prayer wave tomorrow at 3pm. Hugs!

  13. Hi Lou, Cindy and Ty,
    We are your new neighbors on Bridle Way.We meet briefly in Dec. before I knew any of this was happening. I just wanted to say that Emily my daughter and I pray for your family every night. Emily has Ty on the prayer chain in her religion class and we tell everyone we meet about our superhero neighbor. Ty, you fight really hard because there are some friends of mine who do not believe I have a superhero neighbor. I want us to walk down Bridle way so I can introduce all my friends to my superhero Ty. God Bless you.
    Linda Hicks

  14. Amazing story of an amazing little angel who will go on to do great things for our world :) Sometimes I just know things.


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