Dodged a bullet

Ty's MRI went well today!  His spine shows no signs of additional disease and that is obviously a huge relief.  In a nutshell, today's MRI just bought us another week of what has proven to be a rather pleasant uncertainty.   We still have to scan his brain again to see what is happening with what his doctor's believe to be new tumors in his cerebellum, but Lou and I (and all of you) are just praying that they are wrong… that those lesions are not malignant and that whatever showed up on Ty's scans last Thursday were some kind of fluke. 

When we were waiting for the results, Ty asked me to go downstairs and get him a turkey sandwich.  Waiting in a line in the hospital cafeteria caused such anxiety that I was afraid I was going to faint right there.  It was such a horrible feeling, getting so worked up like that.  And it stayed with me until the doctor's assistant called us into the room.  "Here we go," I thought.  "Remember to breathe."

When we first walked in, one of his doctor's was standing eating some snacks, while Ty's primary doctor was looking at the scans on the computer.  He didn't turn around to look us in the eyes right away.  So, my crazy mind thinks something like this…"it's bad, he can't even look at us.  But wait, if the other guy is comfortable enough to have snacks, how bad can it be?  And, if it is bad, how dare he be eating snacks so casually!!  He wouldn't dare do that… don't they realize how serious this is?"

So, the first thing he does when he gets up from his computer is start small talk.  I'm thinking, "small talk can only mean one thing, he is buying time before delivering the bad news…or, maybe he is so casual because all is fine and he is happy?"  I was at war with myself over the course of probably one minute but it felt like hours.  Thank you, Lou, for asking the direct question after what seemed like an absolute eternity of me sweating and over-analyzing his every eye movement and hand gesture.  "So, is it good or bad?" 

"Oh, of course, yes, yes, the spine looks okay."  Okay?  Okay meaning what?  Okay, like there's only a little cancer?  Or, okay like there is no cancer?  It was okay meaning no cancer.  The disease did not spread into Ty's spinal cord as his doctor's feared.  We had the green light to discuss a treatment plan, which includes chemotherapy that will begin in two to three weeks. 

But, before we completely buy into "next steps" we need another scan of the brain, and that is scheduled for next Friday.  I am even more nervous about that one, but I will ride this wave of relief for the next six days to get me through. 

In the meantime, I just wanted to let you all know that we are doing great, and that Ty is better than ever.  He even went through with today's MRI WITHOUT ANESTHESIA for the first time.  Can you imagine?  Anyone who has ever been in an MRI room knows about the crazy magnet swishing sound, followed by popping sounds, horrendous knocking sounds, and the crazy alarm sounds that go off the entire time.  Ty had to promise to hold still the entire time, which he did like a champ.  It is a huge scary machine and although I stayed in the room with him we couldn't talk to each other because it's so loud.  All I could reach was his big toe while he was in the machine, so I held onto that so he would know I was there for the entire time - which lasted over an HOUR!!  It was torture for me, but he was amazing.  So incredibly brave.  I love him so much.

Thank you everyone, for loving Ty and praying for him.  Thank you, God!! 

PS - Lou wanted me to designate this post "More Great Things About Lou - PART 2" but he was overruled.  I had to remind him again that this is my blog.  :)


  1. I am so happy for you. I spent much of my day trying to find quite moments to pray to God. I will not give up and continue to pray. I wish with all my heart I could take all away what you all are going through and every child and their parents. Lou - you are amazing as a Daddy and husband. Cindy, there are no words - you are an unbelievable Mom. Gavin just keep being silly to keep everyone laughing, and my dear sweet, beautiful Ty - just keep fighting and I will keep praying asking God to give you blessings upon blessings.

  2. Lou -

    All I can say is WOW! I tried to comment yesterday, but had technical difficulties. I am beside myself with joy that you had such wonderful results today. I will continue to pray for Ty's successful fight against this horrid disease.

    Love and hope from IL,


    PS - Tell Cindy I said "Hi"

  3. Ty is amazing - a true superhero.
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    Stay strong and thank you for allowing others to hear you and (hopefully) provide support.
    Ty is amazing and we love him so much.

  4. Hallelujah, Awesome news!

    I am so happy for you all!!! Thank you God for answering all our prayers!

    I am disgusted with those doctors for eating in front of you and acting so insensitive. I know from experience in the health field that it can be hard dealing with such important life issues and sometimes we become desensatized but come on how rude of them. I am also disgusted with them for putting you all through such torture. They need to treat their patients like it is their child!! Sounds to me like they are too busy looking at statistics rather than what they have right in front of them; which is a STRONG BRAVE BOY BEATING THE ODDS!! WHOO HOO! TY YOU ARE DOING IT!! YOU AND TEAM TY (Yes LOU too!) are DOING IT!! YOU ARE BEATING CANCER UP!!! ;o )

    I do hope you can all destress some and get some rest and fun. Don't listen to those docs, those brain spots are nothing either!!

    Love and prayers
    Brooke, Eric, Emily and Owen <3 <3 <3

  5. Wow, this is such great news! I am so glad to read that!!!

    Take it one step at a time, I wish and pray that the next MRI will be as positive as this one!

    And Ty is such a brave boy, I am really impressed that he managed the MRI without anasthesia!

    Checking in on this blog daily from Germany,


  6. Cindy,
    I am so relieved for all of you that this MRI was good news!
    I am one of the many strangers that waited on pins and needles yesterday for the results. I spent my morning praying over and over and I must have checked the blog about 25 times. As I'm sure so many others did, I thought of you all non-stop throughout the day. I hope there is a part of you that can feel that during these extremely rough moments.
    Enjoy your week...I will continue to pray that Ty feels good and that next week's scan goes as well. (I can't get over his being able to go through the MRI awake!! He's an unbelievable boy!)

  7. YEESSSS!! What a great way to begin my weekend, reading this wonderful news! I think a celebration is in order. I love to hear that Ty has a good appetite and is enjoying food. Love it!

  8. Cindy & Lou, (I am trying to include him lol!)

    This news made my day! Go super Ty! I will continue to pray for him and that everything goes well with the MRI Friday!

    Stay strong!

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  9. Cindy, I am so happy to hear about the results of the MRI... and thank you for the laugh... I can "see" Lou asking you about the "More Great Things About Lou - PART 2" post!! Do not lose your sense of humor.... Love Betta

  10. Way to go Ty!! I cry/laugh at your posts, Cindy. You are truly and incredible writer. I have had several MRI's and I can tell you how scary it was for me, I can't begin to fathom how Ty did it...he is AMAZING! I am soo happy that scan was clear, keep praying and smiling. I know I will.

  11. Your hubby is a very funny man... and thank God for that humor bc I believe it's getting you all thru this right now. I'm so ELATED that the Doc's were wrong once again. I'm going to call them the "weather men" from now on. Ty is a fighter and WILL WIN!!! I have no doubt in my mind. Every time I read a bad post I know the next 1 or 2 after that will be good news. I'm so sorry you're having all this anxiety and it must be hard to be so strong among all the deaths and bad news. Know you are not alone and we are all here fighting with you and praying hard! You're an amazing mother and God gave you those 2 beautiful angels bc he know's you and how wonderful you truly are.. You are the Angel in the dark that will bring Ty out of this and into the Light of peace, happiness and health!
    Much Love, xoxoxo

  12. Yay! Oh I'm soooo relieved! And I'm so glad Ty is doing so well too! He sounds like he eats more than my little boy does so thats a great sign that he's feeling good.
    I can't believe a 3 yr old can sit still for an hour? Thats amazing! What a guy! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful son!
    I hope this week is a boring one that is just like normal time passing with no excitement. Just healthy happy times like it should be. Take care of yourself. You need it too.

  13. I'm soooo happy to hear that the results from this latest MRI were good - thank God!!! Ty is such a brave boy - way to go, Super hero Ty!!
    God bless him, and keep you all strong - I'll keep the prayers coming!
    Love from your neighbor in Beekman,
    Andrea Ireland

  14. I'm really glad to hear Ty is feeling well. YAY! That is so important for everyone's moral and also a good indicator of health.

    Can you guess my prediction for the next scan??? Think big!

  15. Great news! So happy it isn't spreading and that he felt great and did great in the MRI - GO SUPER TY! Keeping you in my prayers!

  16. My kids and I all prayed before they went to school, and I can't wait until they wake up so I can tell them the good news. Still praying, and thinking about what a wonder you are!!!

  17. Cindy, Lou, Ty and Gavin:

    Great news! NEVER doubt the power of GOD'S LOVE, OUR FAITH in this miracle and our THANKS to OUR LORD for HIS cure.

    Today John Paul II is beatified and he will intercede for Ty's next MRI; so that Doctors can view clearly the tissues working hard to barricade the cancer, that is why they are swollen.

    This Sunday of Mercy we pray for you all.

    NOW, Cindy, we love for you to be there during MRI, but are you being protected from all radiation?? Including your thyroid? This is important, we want Ty healthy, but YOU have to protect and take care for yourself too.

    Be SURE that Ty will be well SOON. As a woman from Venus we read between the lines, dots, specs. RELAX and have the FAITH that the MIRACLE WILL HAPPEN, IT IS HAPPENING!

    In the meantime, may every step you take let you feel HIS LOVE towards all of you.

    We love you and keep our prayers towards you ALWAYS!


    Desire, ask, believe, receive. - Stella Terrill Mann

    All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. - Martin Luther

    As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. - Emmanuel Teney

  18. So glad to hear. Keep fighting a good fight!

  19. Keep up the GREAT FIGHT!!!! GO TY!!!


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