Still holding my breath - Thank you, Stand Up 2 Cancer

I am so emotional, I can't possibly write something reflective or attempt to be inspirational.  Did you watch the Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon?  I am blown away.  

Yesterday I wrote about two boys that we shared hospital rooms with and with whom I fell in love with over the past two years.  Taylor Swift just performed a song in honor of one of them (that honors all of our little fighters at the same time).  I didn't know this was coming at all!  Sometimes I check in on his mom's blog to see how she is "healing" (the wrong word, I know, but I am at a loss right now).  Never did she say anything about the fact that Taylor Friggin' Swift was writing a song about her little boy, Ronan!  In fact, his amazing mama is credited as a co-writer.  How Amazing! 

It was the most beautiful, painful song.  Every word hit me so hard.  I can't stop crying.  All of it, the entire tele-thon, has touched every part of my soul that hurts.  I am still having trouble breathing and I'm not exaggerating.  It was so perfect, so true, so painful to my heart. 

"I remember your blue eyes; looking into mine; like we had our own secret club."

These are the words of a mother who loves her son like I love mine.  We all have a secret club, I guess. The only thing I could think to do after watching this performance was to grab a bottle of wine, which, by the way, isn't helping yet.

This is a good hurt.  This is an exciting thing, that is happening.  Stand up to Cancer?  I had no idea how amazing this movement is.  I am most impressed by the way this organization is creating a collaboration among scientists in medical research.  This is the key to progress.  I always get so frustrated knowing that institutions, researchers and physicians compete in the search for a cure instead of working together.  They compete for recognition and funding.  Stand up to Cancer is looking to change that, and my eyes are open.  And, they are collaborating with the St. Baldrick's Foundation to create a pediatric oncology "dream team".  All of this is amazing progress.  I feel that amazing things are on the horizon and that fills me up with hope.

I don't know how to post a link to buy the song (all proceeds go do pediatric cancer research) but here is the link to the performance.

All of this doesn't mean I am any less enthused to support the Weill Cornell "Children's Brain Tumor Project".  I know that funding within large institutions is spread according to need (for example, the American Cancer society only spends 3 cents to the dollar for pediatric cancers because the percentage of adults with cancer far outweighs the percentage of kids).  The Children's Brain Tumor Project is specifically researching rare pediatric brain tumors - which means Ty.  It is not too late to register to run for our upcoming 10K in Prospect Park Brooklyn on October 13th.  Email me at for more information.  Thank you. 

Tomorrow - back to "Ty's Story" in honor of pediatric cancer awareness month.  


  1. I saw that telethon and every bit of it moved me. The people that came together and the heartbreaking stories are so touching. I hope Ty is doing well after surgery and everyone with cancer across the world gets better soon.
    ~Robby P.

  2. Amazing just amazing!

  3. I watched it too. I am just been given a diagnosis of Lung cancer and have already started alternative treatments. I have such mixed emotions. I value advances that are being made but I also believe many advances are smothered by the FDA and there are many alternative ways to fight cancer that the FDA just won't even look at. My tumors are already shrinking (and I haven't even started treatment) just by taking herbs which are looked down on by MD's because they aren't trained in them and they don't know how they work--yet they work amazing. If you have Netflix, I implore you to watch a documentary called Burzinsky.. it is amazing. I personally know 2 people who have been given terminal diagnosis and had treatment there and their children are thriving today. (Brain tumors) What our country has done to this man should be criminal. I'm not convinced we are truly interested in finding a cure because there are many things out there of benefit but when the "cure" is cheap, our country would lose trillions of dollars. If you think things aren't political, watch Food, Inc as well and see how Monsanto has been able to infiltrate. It is sickening. I think as parents and as people who have cancer, we HAVE to be able to look outside the box and seek alternative treatments as well. Too many people die that shouldn't. Too many people should be here today. What the FDA has done by only allowing certain people who meet a certain criteria to see Burzinski is shameful. When someone I knew confronted me with this info my response was almost an angry one of "you are just a basher." I was implored to just do some research on my own and what I found was mind boggling and shameful. I did this well before my own diagnosis. We trust too blindly in our MD's and we fail to see that there are more forms of medicine and when Western medicine reaches a wall or doesn't have answers, there are other answers! Terminal in our country isn't always terminal. There are answers! My doctors told me my masses would continue to grow until treatment was started and time was of the essence. I saw an alternative medicine provider the next day and started my cocktail of herbs. It took 8 days to get me back in the hospital (I needed to get things arranged for my children etc) and ready to go and the second CT to get a better look already showed my masses were smaller.. the exact thing they told me would NOT happen. Of course, they do not give the herbs any credit at all. It is infuriating to me. I also had a fibroid discovered which they told me would not go away.. 8 days later, it was gone. GONE. They had no answer for that and still won't give the herbs any credit.

    1. I am so sorry you're diagnosed with lung cancer. Close to home for me because I lost my dad 2 years ago. Just worried this is not the best forum to discuss this. How you doing what stage are you

    2. Agree with all you said, from GMO's Monsanto to the FDA not helping the battles people go through with illnesses. Vice President of Monsanto was just named Director of the FDA. Obama appointed him....reidiculous. And our country was presented with Cancer treatment years and years ago, but the business/corporations/politicians have had a part in ceasing the existence of alternative treatments and therapies. Did you know it is illegal to treat Cancer in a hospital unless it is by Chemotherapy, Radiation, or some other pharmaceutical method? Crazy right? My heart goes out to you all. And I'm so sorry that this lack of honor and doing what is right affects so many preciuos children of God. Check out Gearson's Therapy Documentary or can find it on Hulu or book stores. It's amazing what are bodies are under attack from. Lord, please encourage, protect, and lift up so many of your children affected by this insidios disease process Father. Please heal them, shine your light and heal them if this isyour will Lord. PLease we ask in your name, Amen <3

  4. cont.. I am also in the medical field so I have a lot of insight into way too much that leaves me in awe some of the time at what we can do and accomplish but cancer.... cancer is a money maker and truth be told... I do not think our country really wants a cure. There are too many "cures" out there that we won't even test or look further at.. no matter how many people are cured and in remission now. Burzinski is a perfect example. Please watch this. My friends 2 yr old was diagnosed with a brain tumor on the brainstem. Inoperable. She would die within 3-6 months. Another friend told them about Burzinski. She was granted approval to see him because she was terminal.... our government had to give them approval to even see him. They didn't even have the choice to pursue this treatment on their own. She is 10 now. She is 100% fine. Her treatment was easy on her. She had zero chemo or radiation.. just his treatment. She was supposed to die in 3-6 months. We have answers right in this country... our country squashes it and puts it down. you have to be prepared to speak to both sides to get the answers and both sides of the story. Western MD's are not trained in herbs or these alternative forms of treatment and believe their treatment is superior. Not always true.

    We all choose our paths and which way we go and what we choose to believe.

    Also, just another tidbit that you may be interested in... I was told that cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Our pH should be between 7.35 and 7.45. you can buy saliva strips off of amazon. If you are under 7.35 you are getting acidic. If you can keep Ty in the right range and on the alkaline side, it makes cancer hard to grow. There are foods that are alkaline and you can eat foods to make sure you are more alkaline. Sugar feeds cancer so as little sugar as possible. A PET scan has a lot of sugar type substance in the solution because sugar goes straight to cancer cells and lights up. (I'm not sure I have that exactly right-I haven't researched that part yet and am repeated what I was told) White starches turn to sugar in 15 minutes so also good to avoid. There is a lot of little things like this that all add up to be huge in the cancer fight.

  5. I cried so hard watching this video as a mothe it touched every part of my soul. I have a little boy also and can not even imagine. I have fell in love with sweet TY as if he was my own and I felt the only way I could help is to make a donation for reaserch to make a difference in the lives of these children and hopefully find a cure.

  6. Oh my goodness, I know what you mean!! Watching the telecast last night from the hospital with my 5 year old warrior was hard, and I couldn't stop crying after hearing Taylor's (Ronan's!) song!! But you're the end of the day it gives me hope!

  7. Oh Brenda.. I pray for the children and the moms and dads. God bless you. Would be nice if you and Cindy could become friends

  8. Crying and praying for lil Ty and all the precious children that are fighting or have fought with this most disgusting disease. I will never stop begging God to help and be with all the precious children who are going through pain and suffering :(

  9. Dear Campbell Family,

    While I continue to pray formTy, I have started each day to close my eyes and picture Ty in different scenarios. I picture his name being called for him to receive his college diploma, him getting his drivers license, etc. Let's all do this and Let cancer know it can not win!!!!

  10. O, how my heart aches for little Ty. It's so hard to conceive of the suffering he has endured. Children should never have to be so ill and feel such pain. Ty's strength, courage, and tenacity are amazing. I love this little boy, and I pray for a miracle for him and his family. God bless you, Ty Campbell.

  11. We have been following your journey with Ty, you don't know us, we don't know but we have mutual friends. Our hearts are breaking along with you, we have been praying for Ty....and for you. There are no words to express how deeply sorry we are for what you have all been through over the last 2 years. I'm at a loss for what to say, just know that there are people who have never met your beautiful little boy and yet, we love him. Please know that you have offered a beautiful tribute to him already, I hope that you find the peace and strength to find happiness again. God Bless Ty, God bless you & know that you are in our thoughts in the coming days.


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