Happy b-EARTH-Day, Gavin!
Zero through 5 years old The Big Boy is SIX Today, Gavin is six. It is almost impossible to believe. I know every year and every milestone tends to result in the same feeling of "where did the time go?" but there's something about SIX that seems so surreal. Even he thinks so! For days upon days leading up to his birthday he would talk about turning six and just how big a number it was. He was so excited for this day, that I think he actually woke up pretty disappointed. "Mommy, what's it supposed to feel like when you turn six?" "Gavin, it feels kind of the same as when you were five. When you are growing up, the changes seem to happen gradually." "What do you mean?" "I mean you really don't feel much different on your birthday than you did the day before, but if you look back and think about one year ago you'll realize how much you've grown!" "Oh. I just thought I would feel bigger. I th...