Go Gold in September

Today marks the first day of childhood cancer awareness month, and as one of our board members pointed out - Chicken Mcnuggets are trending but nothing on going gold for childhood cancer. President Obama decided NOT to light the white house gold despite the request from more than 25K people who signed the petition. Of course, everyone is talking about it in the childhood cancer community, but we have to get this awareness to break out of the box and into the hearts of the billions of people who are otherwise immune to the cause.  We have 30 days to make this trend #gogold4kids.  Please feel free to save the following images and use them as your profile or cover images throughout the month.  My hope is that some day - with all we are doing to spread awareness, help families and fund research - there will no longer be a "childhood cancer community."

September is a big month for the cause, but it is also one of the scariest months for me, personally.  I have been dreading September and October for over 10 months.  As I mentioned, this September is a reminder that Ty will never get on the school bus with the other kids.  The 17th of September and the 17th of October will mark the first anniversary of the two worst days of my life.  I don't know how I will get through these next two months, and because of that, I haven't had the energy to do the things I wanted to do on the foundation side to support childhood cancer awareness month.  Nor did I commit to attending CureFest in Washington, DC, something I regret a little this morning as I see pictures being posted by all of my friends in the childhood cancer community.  Regardless, for my own mental health I needed to keep to myself for a while.  I need to focus on the fragmented, painful and downright crazy things that are swirling around in my head for now.

That being said, we do have a lot of news on the foundation side despite my efforts to keep a low profile.  (1) We have the TYathlon/5K coming up on the 21st - and it is not to late to register.  Simply REGISTER HERE for either the 5K or the Triathlon via active.com.   It is going to be a great day with fun family activities following the race.  Lou will be competing in the Triathlon, I will be running the 5K and Gavin will be participating in the kids' obstacle course.  Please join us!

(2) We have been selling hundreds of pairs of "SuperTy.org" gold shoelaces to sports teams across the country so that kids can support the cause on the field (email us at info@superty.org if you would like a copy of the order form/minimum purchase 10 pairs at $5/pair). 

(3) We initiated a very simple social media campaign to try and get attention from the celebrity contingency - particularly my favorite rockstar, P!nk.  Wouldn't it be funny, and wonderfully effective, if she decided to change her name to GOLD for the month of September?  Check out the website we created to see how you can join the effort to try and get her attention in a noninvasive, totally harmless way www.pinkgoesgold.wordpress.com.  If nothing comes of it, at least we tried.  But imagine she did somehow hear our cries and get on board for the cause?  The awareness she could bring would be monumental.  And as a mom herself, I just know she would fall in love with these kids and use her incredible influence to help paint the world GOLD.  We just need to get her attention somehow!  Whenever you feel like it throughout the month, please tweet at her, shoot her a FB message or post the site to your wall to get others on board.  There were about 4,000 visits to the website the first day we tweeted it out/posted to FB, but we need to times that by 100 somehow if it is ever going to trend in any way.  Please help make that happen :)

(4) I created a new line of charitable jewelry.  It's called PRET*TY and of course, Ty put the "T-Y" in PRET*TY because he is forever my inspiration.  100% of the proceeds go directly to fund childhood cancer research through the foundation.  We charm the bracelets by hand at the TLC office, and thanks to our incredible volunteers we are ready to start selling!  Please check it out, the storefront is now available at www.prettystore.org.  If you have any ideas on how we can make this effort bigger and get the bracelets on the shelves of department stores, etc., please feel free to email us at info@superty.org because if there's one thing I've learned since starting the foundation - it's that I need help, guidance, and access to resources.  I appreciate any ideas, advice or connections you might have :)


The Story Behind PRET*TY
I always found it so difficult to accept how little awareness – and charitable merchandise – is available to support charities for childhood cancer.  Think about all of the pink merchandise that cover the shelves to support breast cancer - especially in October.  But have you ever seen gold merchandise for childhood cancer?  I have wanted to do something to support the “go gold” initiative, and then it hit me when I looked down at my wrist.  I simply don’t like these silicone bracelets... but I wear them to honor kids with cancer.  There needed to be a prettier alternative!
PRET*TY is a new line of gold accessories that were inspired by Ty and all children battling cancer.  It is the perfect gift that gives back because 100% of the net proceeds are redirected to fund innovative pediatric cancer research through the Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation. 

Now that I see all of our September activities listed in one place, I am actually patting myself on the back.  Despite my efforts to lay low and enjoy Gavin while he is home between camp and preschool (school doesn't start until Sept. 10), we have still accomplished a lot!  I am especially looking forward to seeing many of you at the TYathlon, and I can't wait for the bracelets to start selling like mad!  Because I know they will.  They are too pret*ty to resist :)  www.prettystore.org

All my love to you all.  Thank you for your love and support.  XOXO. 


  1. This is all wonderful! I'm going to order my shoe laces!

    P.s. I'll never forget our Ty.

  2. Cindy you amaze me every day!!! I know this has been so hard for you, but you guys sure have done a great job..... I will check out the lases and good luck in the Tyathlon :) love you guys.
    ha Savlicks

  3. Hey Cindy.. Still pissed about the White House but we will PREVAIL in other ways!!! LOVE the bracelet!!! Soo beautiful!!!!

    As always I keep you in my thoughts and prayers

    Love Gabrielle

  4. Thanks for the photos, Cindy. The one of you kissing Ty has always been my favorite. I am putting it as my background photo on my FB page and the small September one as my cover photo. ALL FOR SUPERTY!!

  5. I wanted to buy a braclet, but when I click on the link, it brings this up: "This isn't a Storenvy store yet", so I'm not sure what to do?

    1. Same thing is happening to me now. I was able to see the store a few minutes ago, but couldn't get past the page to input my address for my order. I'm going to give it some time and check back later!!!

  6. I have my cover photo and profile picture on Facebook of Ty and the foundation. I also shared the pret*ty link. Trying to decide which bracelet to order. I will wear it in honor of your sweet boy who has changed my life and so many others.

    Saying prayers and sending you hugs to help you get through these next two months. We are all thinking of you, Lou and Gavin, and of course, Super Ty! xoxoxo

  7. How frustrating. That happens every once in a while when I use the vanity URL (prettystore.org). I will have to fix that. In the meantime, you can access the store via http://prettystore.storenvy.com/
    Thank you!

  8. Just ordered my bracelet!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are doing this. Cindy, know that each and everyone of us are thining of you and TY and your family always!!!
    Kara W

  9. Just ordered a beautiful bracelet. Cant wait to get it and show it off. Im so grateful to be able to do even one little thing for the cause. My family and i attended muddy puddles (we had an awesome time) and i will def tell tys story as i wear that bracelet beyond sept. Always in my prayers.
    Jennifer Negron (NJ)

  10. Hopefully I'm not just seeing things or wishing this into existence. Check and see for yourselves, but I believe Ty is featured as the Google search bar picture! This is beyond exciting!

  11. Love everything you are doing! I posted on
    P!NK's FB page and changed my cover on FB urging others to do the same! Keep at it... we are hearing you!!

  12. Love the skull bracelets and ordered all three colors. Thanks for all you do for kids battling cancer!

  13. I cant get the store to come up using the link for some reason..i will try again

  14. I ordered two beautiful bracelets. This is a beyond awesome idea.

  15. Thinking of you and Lou especially this month. A year seems to have flown by so fast, and yet, it has been an eternity.

    In the midst of all the amazing things TLC Foundation is doing to inspire awareness and action, I am hoping that you both are able to have moments to bask in the love that Ty brings you, and to allow yourselves the space to feel what your hearts need to feel during this period of time.

    Hope, strength and resolve await you on the other side of this especially difficult time of year. Virtual hugs and lots of prayers are coming your way.

  16. Re: the pret-ty store... absolutely brilliant!! I ordered the sparkly gold and silver wrap. I will tell anyone who comments on it what it is for, spreading awareness of childhood cancer one person at a time. For you, and for sweet Ty!!!

  17. This is one tough but such an inspiring month. I love and think about Ty every day. And everyday it's still hard to believe that he is not here. His smile makes my day. Ty was never just a number or part of a statistics he was the most amazing little boy who smiled every second of the day. His suffering was so strong yet you would almost never know b just looking on his picture. He is forever the most special boy in my heart.

  18. We have been following your blog during Ty's battle and were deeply touched with every post you wrote. We recently unveiled our superheroes line of hats for children chemo warriors in honor of Ty and would like to share our post with you.
    We are a group of friends who make hats for chemo warriors and babies in the NICU

    Thank you

  19. There are voices bigger, so much bigger than mine could ever be working to save our babies. I just heard a radio commercial from Jeff Foxworthy, the comedian, urging people to give for child cancer and reminding people of September for gold! A whisper can be become a roar.

  20. Cindy, I printed out one of the photos you uploaded in your last post AND the adorable photo of Ty with the red boxing glove I found on an earlier post because that is my all time favorite one. . Both are taped on the wall where I work.
    Co workers walk by and ask questions and I tell them about him. Thank you for sharing his legacy with the world. I find I am so passionate now that I am aware. Thank you Sweet Ty. YOU will change the world

  21. You deserve to feel the way you do. I hope you know that your friends here just want to comfort you with our words. God BLess you.

  22. God bless the Campbell Family.

  23. I just bought my gold PRET*TY toggle! I will wear it with pride! god bless Ty, god bless you,and lou and gavin as well!

  24. The first priority in your life is taking care of you! I love to hear all the wonderful foundation news, but never feel bad about taking the time for you to process. Keep waking up in the morning and smiling up at Ty.

  25. i always wish there was something i could say or do to make things better. i am so sorry Ty had to go through all he did! But because of TY he showed me LOVE i never new was possible. i never knew i could fall in love with people i never met, with people who don't have a clue of who i am but it happened. Thank you so much for sharing. Bridget from baltimore


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