Insomnia. It's Ba-aaack
I had one of my worst nights of insomnia last night. I watched the clock until it was light out again, rolled my tired soul out of bed and poured a cup of coffee. I give up trying. Hopefully tomorrow night will be better. I just couldn't stop thinking about the fact that almost one year has passed (IMPOSSIBLE), and I couldn't stop staring at sleeping Gavin next to me and replaying our conversations in my head. The tears were endless. Gavin had a playdate yesterday. This is a very rare thing and I was so happy to watch him hugging and playing with his little friend. It was simply adorable (until we came downstairs to find popcorn covering every inch of the room. Popcorn fight when we weren't looking!!). He had a lot of fun. At one point I heard his friend ask, "Do you have a sister?" Very easily, Gavin answered, "No. I have a brother. Just a brother. But he died." "He died!?!?! MOM! ...