Puddle Jumper and SuperTy Apparel – B-YOU SIGNATURE SERIES

You all know that jumping in muddy puddles was the thing that Ty Campbell wanted to do most when he was “all bedda.”  He had just turned five when he lost his battle to pediatric brain cancer six short months ago after fighting more than two years.

Ty captured the hearts of thousands, and since he passed away, those followers have posted thousands of photographs chronicling times when they have stepped back to let their kids enjoy messy, carefree fun in Ty’s honor. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me knowing that kids are having more fun in honor of my son, and it gives me better perspective on losing him to this horrific disease.

I’m reflecting on all of this, because The TLC Foundation and The Muddy Puddles Project inspired an incredible crew at the Children’s Entertainment Network (CEN) to team up with us.  Nickelodeon Star Cymphonique has followed Ty’s story and through the CEN, she has helped launch a line of “Signature Series” apparel within their B-YOU(Be Your Own You) website.

The "Puddle Jumper" and "Super Hero" designs yield seven dollars for every item sold in support of our nonprofit organization, and they are only available for the next two weeks – starting today! www.beyourownyou.org.

I hope you will consider buying these amazing items for men, women and children, and sharing information about the B-YOU/Ty Louis Campbell charitable signature series with your social networks.  We are so thrilled and honored to have been chosen.  Ty’s legacy lives on!
The Sohn Conference
More great news for the Foundation and raising awareness in general.  Yesterday I presented to a room of more than 2,500 people.  Not just a room, actually.  I was on stage at Avery Fischer Hall in Lincoln Center.  Home of the NY Philharmonic.  I sat in the greenroom where the most prestigious musicians have been warming up for decades.  I thought about how the last time I was there, I had tickets for nosebleed balcony seats and watched James Brown perform (yes, it was a long time ago).  Yesterday I was on that same stage presenting to a packed house of Wall Street’s finest.

For 15 minutes, the words just spilled from my heart as I spoke about Ty.  It was surprisingly easy.  I think it’s what I’m meant to do for my baby boy.  To forever share his story as a platform to raise awareness.  To be a talking head for the cause.

The Sohn Conference is an annual event that raises funds for the Sohn Foundation – created well over a decade ago in honor of Ira Sohn who died in his twenties when his childhood cancer came back years later.  His friends worked on Wall Street and they wanted to do something.  The concept is brilliant.  Every year they host an investment conference where some of the greatest advisors in the financial world (Bill Ackers, and David Einhorn for example) donate their time to present investment advice in 15 minute sessions throughout the day.  All speakers donate their time on behalf of the cause so that the hefty registration fees paid by each attendee can be redirected to the Sohn Foundation for childhood cancer.  We are all working toward the same goal and I was so happy to be there to support this brilliant group of people.  They have raised so much money and done so many amazing things, I was the one walking out of there inspired.  I still don’t feel normal after such a whirlwind of a day.  It was exciting.  I met so many prestigious researchers in addition to parents just like me at Solving Kids Cancer.  It was an uplifting day. 

Afterward I walked through Central Park for about an hour.  I couldn’t hold back the tears.  I felt so emotional after pouring out my heart and soul on stage while holding it together, I needed to release in order to breathe again.  I’ve walked through the city streets with tears streaming down my face countless times.  Especially in the neighborhood of Sloan Kettering.  People don’t even look at me twice and I kinda like it that way.  It was good for me. 

After meeting my old roomie for a delicious dinner and a little too much wine, I boarded my train home.  When I opened my laptop I noticed for the first time that there is a kiss mark on my computer screen.  I don’t know how or when it got there, but I am certain it must have been me, kissing one of Ty’s beautiful photos.  Tonight I stared at the photo below, the one I closed today’s presentation with, and I ran my thumb over the image of your bottom lip over and over again as water just poured from my eyes.  How I long to feel those lips under my thumb.  For real.  How I wish his soft hair really was in between my fingertips, instead of the cold, hard reality of the computer screen. 


I got back so late today and was tied up in very good meetings all day this afternoon, so I need to retire for the night. Updates on Gavin to come! We have a Mother’s Day Tea party at his preschool and should be sooo sweet. 


  1. Your doing such an amazing job Cindy....stay strong!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Cindy, you amaze and inspire me daily. While I have never met you, you and your family are always in my thoughts. I know you think Ty is the amazing one (and he is), but he gets it from you. Keep up your incredible work, you are changing the world!

  4. So proud of you Cindy.
    You are really, really doing everything you said you would, and that you promised Ty you would.

  5. You are changing the world! Just ordered my shirt an will wear it now and in October on one Sunday I will not vest but wear it during all the church services so we can spread the word and keep all kids healthy enough to jump in mud puddles.

  6. I've watched the video on the www.beyourownyou.org so many times my phone battery is kaputsky. Tears always streaming down my face when I see your precious little Ty...He reminds me so much of my son. You are doing such amazing work in honor of your sweet boy, what a wonderful Mommy you are. Can't wait to order some shirts for the family! As always, sending love and keeping the Campbell family in my thoughts!

  7. Got shirts for me and my kids. The design is so cute and I will definitely pass along this link. I wish you the best in meeting your fundraising goal. I followed you and Ty right after Maya posted your very raw description of what cancer means to these kids, it was an eye opener. Ty will always have a supporter for his foundation here in Brooklyn. God Bless You and your family

  8. You are just amazing!
    Oh the pain you are enduring- and you are still capable of doing so much for our children!
    You are just amazing!!
    Thank you!

  9. So proud of you Cindy!! You are certainly doing amazing things ❤

  10. Proud to have placed my order for both my son and myself, and certainly sharing across all my social media channels! I was so glad to read about all the great experiences you had this week even though I know it was also very hard. You are truly amazing!

  11. Proud to have placed my order for both my son and myself, and certainly sharing across all my social media channels! I was so glad to read about all the great experiences you had this week even though I know it was also very hard. You are truly amazing!

  12. You are truly amazing. I have told both of my little boys about Ty and they have jumped in many puddles in his honor. Keep being amazing. Love and gratitude to you and your dedication. Giant tight hugs from Florida.

  13. Cindy,

    It was so good to talk to you last week. There are so many times I have more to say than I do. It always feels like words are drips trying to fill an ocean. I know that words can't really begin to fill the enormous space that you are in, but you really are an incredible person. I told you that I hadn't posted since before Ty passed, I realized how ridiculous that sounded, if the world is asking you to wake up everyday and be a mother, a fighter, a wife and more then I can push past my sadness too, in support of you. I know this is all for Ty, for other kids with cancer and for the future kids with NO cancer but you surely need lots of credit. Someday I hope to see you in People's Most Beautiful People.

  14. I just ordered my Ty baseball tee! :) I can't wait to wear it proudly and spread his story! Even in Canada when I move there in less than 2 months! Love to Ty always!! xoxo

  15. Congrats Cindy! I'm sure you were amazing!

  16. i am obsessed with this picture. the thought of Ty saying thank you while its realy us who need to thank him for teaching us so much. he is pure perfection. he is missed deeply.


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