Anything but cancer
Cancer is not welcome here. It can never, ever, ever, ever, ever come back. As I mentioned yesterday, Ty has been showing some physical symptoms that we haven't seen in a long time. Please, God, don't let it be cancer again. Anything but cancer. I spoke to Ty's doctor first thing this morning and he believes the increased weakness we are seeing on Ty's left side is not related to new cancer growth - but that doesn't rule out the possibility. He feels that Ty is suffering from spasticity, which is becoming more visible now only because Ty is getting stronger. As Ty's muscles begin to regain mass and tone, the neurological weakness on his left side is becoming more noticeable. This spasticity is likely permanent, but also treatable with continued therapy. When I spoke to his physical therapist later today, she agreed that it would explain what she is seeing, and then she reassured me that walking again is still a highly...