1841 DAYS
In 1,841 days, Ty Louis Campbell lived a remarkable life. His life was filled with such great love, and this love transcends time. It is still just as strong and palpable today as it was before he died, and I can feel him in my heart when he is near. I never sense that his spirit is above me, or beside me… rather, he is always just behind my right shoulder, like where he sat in the backseat of my car. Just close enough that he is a whisper in the ear and a warm breath on my shoulder. I watched my baby boy suffer for almost half of those 1,841 days. Seeing him under certain circumstances in the hospital were as difficult to watch as if my child was strapped to a chair being tortured. I helplessly witnessed his excruciating pain, and when the treatment failed to save his life, I was left to live the years that followed plagued with guilt for allowing it all. Today is a hard, hard day. My loving son, the boy who made me...