Bedtime Prayers
Tonight I put Gavin to bed. 99% of the time, that is my husband’s job. He gets home later from work so it his alone time with Gavin, but tonight he just didn’t get home in time. Gavin always thinks it’s an open invitation to party if I’m putting him to bed and he just can’t control himself from tossing and turning and TALKING the whole time… You see, we lay with Gavin every night until he falls asleep. I know, he is almost six years old, but the habit started when Ty was on hospice care and Gavin just upgraded out of a crib and into a big boy bed. He was constantly getting up and coming into our room where Ty was sleeping and in pain, so we started lying with Gavin until he fell asleep soundly for the night. After losing Ty, Gavin took his place in our bed and we don’t mind one bit (except for when his elbow is in my face while Lou and I cling to each side of the bed to accommodate his sprawling position). We found ourselves in a routine that ...