Everybody has a story
I learned this the hard way, because I didn't have much of a story before Ty got sick. But since my life changed so dramatically overnight and I decided to share it publicly, I have been introduced to thousands of stories. Strangers share intimate details about their own struggles, and I consider myself very lucky to be so aware. My eyes are open... my heart is open... most people are good and kind and life is really, really hard sometimes. As a whole, we need to remember that pain can be so toxic it changes people and hardens them. I have to remind myself of this every time I want to let my anger take over. Or when I am easy to pass judgment without much knowledge, sympathy or understanding. Ty would want us to feel sorry for everyone. To feel sorry for the person who seems harsh or mean, because maybe there was a life-altering event that made him or her that way. And to feel sorry for the person...