SU2C and St. Baldrick's: Truly the best news.

Lou and I have always been huge supporters of the St. Baldrick's Foundation.  They are a wonderful organization with a terrific story, and they do an incredible job with raising money for the cause, and making strategic funding decisions.  Upon creating our own foundation, we have been talking with them a lot to make sure we can work together toward our tremedous goals of uncovering better treatment options for children.

When we first heard that they were teaming up with Stand Up 2 Cancer to help fund the launch of their first ever "Dream Team" specific to pediatrics, I was overjoyed.  I posted about it here.  Ever since then I have been anxiously waiting to find out who was on the team, and what their reasearch was geared toward.  Tonight, Lou and I were honored to be there for this most exciting announcement.  When I received the press kit on my way in, I immediately began devouring the information before I even sat down.  I wanted to know if their initiatives are aligned with the goals of our foundation, and they most certainly are!  You will hear me talking about this a lot, I'm sure.  Pasted below is a link to an incredible video, followed by a link to the press release.

When I saw the headline about "genomics" and "immunotherapies"  I reached over the squeeze Lou's arm while pointing to the release so he could see.  This is everything we've been talking about.  It's everything we wanted for Ty.  Our battle cry.  The reason we are dedicated to raising awareness and funding for pediatric specific research.  Our interest lies so heavily in those two areas because we feel there is so much promise, and we are going to bed with a smile on our faces and peace in our hearts.  We are so happy to be part of all of this. 

I have so much more to share with you about the conference, the beautiful, amazing people we met from SU2C, St. Baldrick's, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, NIH and more.  Gavin is still awake in our hotel room and we will be taking him with us tomorrow morning to rally for increased medical research funding here in Washington DC, so I have to turn my attention to getting him to sleep.  I look forward to filling you in more tomorrow :)


  1. Wonderful news!! As always, keeping Ty and the whole Campbell family in my prayers!

  2. Wow! This sounds just like everything you've ever explained to us about knowing how to treat kids with cancer differently than adults with cancer! Can we say, we knew you'd be right there helping make the difference. It's nice to hear you excited about something! Love and Prayers, Terri

  3. You and Lou are amazing people. The fact that you continue to fight so hard for "the next kid" is amazing to me. I am SO PROUD of you, I can only imagine how proud Ty must feel. In the end you will get the ultimate reward for the grace and love you have shown despite everything. In the end you will get to be together with the love of your life for ever and ever. I know this in my heart. And until then, I hope you get a million signs from Ty that let you know how happpy he is. You deserve every single one.

    1. Oh and P.S. You don't look old and ugly, your are beautiful inside and out!!

  4. Thank you Cindy and Lou! A beautiful post from a beautiful warrior.

  5. Hi Cindy,
    I've wanted to share this with you for a few weeks now, but this morning I've finally remembered to post. You remember how sad you were on Easter? I read your post and it made me cry really. But just as you adamantly state that Ty is always with you (which I fervently believe) I also believe that he comes to others too. So this was Easter (our family celebates other holidays), all three of us were in the yard cleaning up. I had Noor dressed because of the nippiness in the air - hat, coat etc. After a few hours, she wanted back in ;), so I took of her hat and lo and behold her hair was like Ty's! All spiked up and wild! And it would not come back down! I tried! I swear in all her 5 years, nothing like that has ever happenned. You'll think I'm crazy (or maybe you won't) but my immediate thought was (I swear) OH God, Ty came to visit! And I talked to her about Ty. I asked if she remembered him from class because her hair reminded me of him. She smiled and said yes, she remembered him then said Mommy I want to go inside.! Ty is all around you and all around us. I miss him and my heart cannot imagine how you and Lou must miss him. I pray for him and for you and yours

  6. Such wonderful news Cindy! Looking forward to hearing more about it :)

  7. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news!!!!!!!

  8. Exciting things are happening, Cindy! And you and Lou are going to be part of it. Ty is right there by your side, and so glad that the sky is clearing on pediatric cancer research....can't wait to read about it!
    Great picture of you and Lou. Cute picture of Ty in Daddy's shoes from your previous post.

  9. Amazing work. Ty will save lives. keep up the great work.

  10. These are very exciting news. I wonder why big research organizations like MD Anderson and St.Jude are not participating?

  11. I understand you feel ugly in the inside, but just know you radiate beauty and strenght in all you do! Ty is watching you in awe at this moment! Fight on Campbell family!

  12. I feel a range of emotions whenever I read your posts...I must admit that I feel like I know you though I don't. Today I'm caught in the thought that I'm so grateful for all you are doing. My kids don't have cancer -- but they could someday and for your dedication and efforts -- we are closer to a cure. We have more HOPE. I believe that someday Ty and a lot of other kids will be remembered for the sacrifice that they made to teach us more about this dreadful disease...The kids names are the Foundation and the reason...but the parents are what make the difference. I'd like to think that I could do what you did and take on the world of childhood cancer...but I'm not sure I could...and that is what makes you (the parents) really something special. Your fight is going to help so many...thank you!


  14. What a beautiful couple you two make!

    This is fabulous news. Baby steps... you are doing it.. your heart and mind must be so full to know that the very things that you and Lou have been striving toward are coming to a slow fruition. I wish all of these things happened decades ago so we had a chance to save your sweet baby boy but like you say, you are doing this in Ty's honor and for the next "Ty".

    God bless you, I have faith in you, I truly do. I know you will move mountains-no pressure of course ;)

    Much love to you Campbell's. That beautiful angel is in my heart and mind every single day.

  15. Ty's purpose here on this earth was to show you, your family and friends, and all of us how much love still exists in this world. You have grown because of Ty and his illness. And through you, we have grown because of Ty and his illness. I know that I have grown because of you and Ty. I have grown in love and faith because of you and your baby boy. Ty will always be with you in memory, heart, and spirit. He is with you always and watches you always. If you look up to the left just a little bit above you, you will see him. And he does have that big Ty smile that you love so much. Thank you so much Cindy, for sharing your most precious thoughts and for sharing your most precious little boy with us. YOU have touched as many hearts as Ty has. Thank you! And love to Lou and Gavin, too. My name is Dianna Thomas Johnson.

  16. You go girl! Sending you lots of love, as always.

  17. A poem I wrote for Ty:
    the tiny little ladybug sits upon the wall
    it flies around the room giving us a call
    just when all is dark and sorrow's everywhere
    the ladybug brings faith and smiles through our tears
    we watch it land and wonder how it knew
    exactly the minuete we needed it to fly through
    suddenly the ladybug dissapears, as if to say
    I was sent by SuperTy to tell you he's ok

  18. Things are happening because of Ty and all his angel friends. God bless them all and the families they left behind that keep fighting for what they know is right. Rock On.

  19. I really am so very happy with all the possible progress to come in cancer treatment but must admit its a very sad moment because all won't be the same when Ty isn't here. He deserved it he needed it he should have gotten the best of it. I miss you so very much little boy.

  20. So happy to hear this news!!! We will continue praying for Ty, and your family. I believe the awareness of pediatric brain cancer is spreading like wildfire, thanks to you and your determination!

    We also have some amazing children fighting here in Nebraska and TeamJack is helping in the fight to make this nation aware of the battle these children face! It is amazing to witness!

    God Bless All of You!!!
    The Stewart Family

    1. I love team jack and hope to join forces :)

    2. I can only imagine what could be accomplished with Ty & Jack's "teams" coming together in this battle! Great things!!!
      We will continue praying here in Nebraska. :)

  21. I really feel that you need to look at the effect you are having on Gavin as you grieve for Ty. He is just a little boy needing his parents. You may be there physically, but where are you emotionally? He can't compete with Ty, nor should he have to. He feels and understands more than you know. You are grieving a son, but you have another son to love and cherish. I hear the heartache in your words and time will help heal your pain. But your little boy, Gavin, can't stop time to wait for you to be there 100% for him. He is here and Ty is with God and Gavin needs his parents to appreciate every single precious thing he does and says. He can't compete with his brother and that is what he will feel. I can't begin to understand the pain you are experiencing, but it is critical that you are aware of how this is affecting your little boy, Gavin.

  22. Why do people like you even comment?! The last thing these parents need is to feel guilty about how they grieve. Until you have been in their shoes, don't judge.

    1. I agree - this is a blog for Ty and this is part of their way of grieving. That person has no idea of what Cindy, Lou, and Gavin are going through...STOP JUDGING!!

  23. You are right and I was out of line to comment on such a personal matter. These parents are doing an amazing job trying to cope with their loss and still manage to get up every day to function as a family and honor Ty in the process. Unfortunately, I let my own personal experience color my judgement. I am truly sorry.

  24. I am truly sorry for my post. These parents are doing an amazing job of coping with their loss while honoring their son's memory. I reacted from my own personal experience and I was totally out of line.

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