Great Video of Ty

I was watching some videos late night last night and I just had to share this with you all.  That face!! That voice!!  Love love love. 

CLICK HERE to watch SuperTy scoot :)

I actually had a good day today overall.  My sister-in-law, Debi, joined me in NYC for a seminar about event-planning and risk management for non-profit executives today.  There were a couple of presentations on the agenda that didn't apply to the TLC foundation, so we also snuck out to do some shopping for new charitable products we will be selling.  More on that soon!

However, on my way to pick her up it was crisp and cold but really sunny and beautiful outside.  I couldn't help but groan to myself and roll my eyes about the annoying, shiny, happy day ahead of us.  I was thinking sad thoughts and feeling grateful that at least it was winter after Ty passed away - because the weather matches my misery - while thinking how much I hate that Spring is here.  Tulips, birds, life renewed... I was just hating the idea of it!  Right in the middle of these dark thoughts, a bird flew right into my windshield.  Probably died :(  It made me feel like such a Scrooge.  Just my LUCK!  I will try not to hate Spring anymore, I promise (no guarantees, of course). 

Yesterday, Gavin told me that he wishes we had a family.  I told him we are a family, me, daddy and him and Ty in heaven. Then I asked him, "Why do you say that, do you wish you had another brother or sister?" and he said, "Yes.  I wish I had a new brother named Ty.  With spikey hair and a boo-boo on his head."  All I could say was, "me too."  Then, today he told me that he wants his whole family again.  He was riding in the back seat of my car and he said "because I like when Ty sits there, and Mely sits there!"  He was smiling, and just stated it very matter-of-factly.  He is my sweet boy and I feel so bad that he is lonely without his brother.  It breaks my already shattered/shredded/so-much-more-than-broken heart. 

We are taking him with us to DC this weekend to see his friend Luke (below) while Lou and I have some foundation business to take care of.  Looking forward to filling you in on some exciting announcements in the world of childhood cancer that are on the horizon. 

Goodnight to my sweet angel baby.  Love you all and thank you for your continued support!  XOXO.  Cindy


  1. I actually have a theory about birds. I see them as signs from heaven, just as you look for ladybugs. Birds fly close to God and when they do something to draw attention to them, I think it's a message from beyond. Hopefully, the bird was ok, but maybe it was your beautiful son reaching out to you.

    Thank you for continuing to share your stories and family with us. They touch my soul, make me cry, laugh, and be grateful for the ordinary things in each day. Sending you love and a wish for peace.

  2. Dear Cindy,
    You are so strong. And no matter what. Gavin,Ty,Lou and you will always be a family.
    Sweet Dreams to you and Ty,

  3. Beautiful Video Cindy - thanks for sharing. Ty is such a 'draw you in' charismatic little boy. I so wish cancer didn't take him from this earth. He is an amazing little fighter.
    He reminds me so much of my 3yr old son, the smile & facial expressions are similar. I am absolutely in fear of anything ever happening to him & can't even imagine what you, Lou & little (or should I say big) Gavin have been through. Your an inspiration - your family inspires me - Ty inspires me :)
    Dad from Oz.

  4. Cindy,

    I have been following your blog for a couple of months now after stumbling across it completely on accident. I am a college student and have so far been fortunate enough to have never really experienced any major pain or loss in my life. Ty has inspired me so much. You inspire me so much! I hope that one day I can be half the kind of parent that you are. The love that your family has is just amazing, and it resonates in every one of your posts.

    I do not have any money or resources that would help your foundation, however I have made a video in honor of Ty that I hope will be a tribute to his life and his strength as well as bring awareness to the realities of childhood cancer. Here is a link to the video:

    I chose the song because it reminded me of how you describe Ty all the time :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your story with the world. It has changed my whole view on life in so many ways and I know it must have done the same for so many others. I pray for you and your husband and little Gavin all the time. God bless you guys.

    1. Thank you.
      Louis Campbell (Ty's daddy)

    2. How unbelievably kind of you to do this for the family and for all of us Tybies...Beautiful montage and perfect song.

    3. I cant stop crying, so beautiful.

    4. What a precious gift Ty is. That was incredibly kind of you to create the video. Beautiful and touching. Thank you!! Maria

    5. beautiful video!

  5. How can he be so darn CUTE!! I love him. I wish he were here...

  6. Purity and sweetness in the form of a little boy.
    Never to be forgotten

  7. my heart was happy and heavy at the same time watching your Super Ty with such joy in his face. He did not let cancer stop his happiness and courage to go on! Bless you all!

  8. I am so grateful you continue to share videos and pictures of your precious Ty. I am praying you and Lou can embrace spring for I know Ty is enjoying himself in heaven and watching over you all. Such a sweet face and voice with a never ending desire to keep on keeping on!

    Love to you all.

  9. I don't even know you, but I read your blog religiously, and your sweet Ty visited me in my dream last night. I'm not really sure why, but I will do my best to honor him today and everyday. Love to your family!

  10. I miss you Ty! I'm so sad that you are not here to be with your mommy, daddy and brother. Just listened to Beam Me Up and I can just see your Mommy singing this. I have no words, I'm just so sad and have you all on my mind all of the time. Much love to you all.

  11. He is the cutest lovable boy ever, that is just when he says "and me, i love you" he really is the best, wish he was here.

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  13. I love the video! It breaks my heart to know that you no longer have your Ty, so I can only imagine how all of you are feeling. My prayers go out to you and your family!
    Betty Warren from Beacon NY

  14. Cindy, Thank you for sharing your family with us. WIsh we could all take a piece of your pain away for you. God Bless you all, you are amazing and an inspiration...all of you! <3

  15. what i wouldn't do for you to have your whole family back. keep fighting that fight and being the best role model for Professional Mothers everywhere!

    you are amazing.

    Long Beach, NY

  16. Beautiful video of Ty. You must miss him very much. I mean, I knew that, but the video really drove it home.

    Gavin is a lovely little boy.

  17. Cindy it is always great to read your stories and thank you for posting tat video, he is adorable and always will be. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
    Maria Savlick

  18. loved the video. Ty is adorable. I know this blog is about Ty but can't help feeling sorry for Gavin. He has also lost so much. Not only a brother but parents that were busy attending to a very sick child while he was young and developing. I hope and pray that he is doing well. I pray for your family daily.

  19. That video had me smiling so wide while tears streamed down my cheeks. So sweet and innocent.
    And Gavin is just so sweet. Bless his heart. I thought Gavin was Ty in that last pic, they look alot alike at certain angles.

  20. Thanks so much for sharing this video. I loved that Ty said, "See ya later". Yup buddy, we will all "see you later". :-) XOXO

  21. Look at that big ol' smile. He was the most special of the special.

  22. wow that video made me tear up - your ty is exceptional - not in a million years will anyone forget such a sweet smile and voice.

  23. I dont know how is it possible that Ty is not here. He is isn't he. It's so clear on the video. That's where he belongs with his mama. He needs to be back on this floor answering his daddy about love. I wish I could out my hand thru and keep him here, and never ever let him go. So sorry baby boy.


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