
I will probably be doing this all night.  I don't have much to say, but I want to share a few of the photos I am relishing in tonight.  I logged into Snapfish earlier and found some photo albums shared by others.  Can you imagine what a treat that is? 

I hope you can't, actually.  I hope you don't understand how truly delightful and how painfully sad it is to be exposed to new photos of your greatest love lost. Photos you've never seen before, even when you spend every single late night looking through photos upon photos upon photos of your own.  I hope you never know how incredibly bittersweet it is to stumble across new pictures like this. 

Ty's first birthday

The love of my life
In the hospital for all the right reasons. Gavin is born!

HEHEHE! My adorable little man.
Like I said, I can't say much more than this.  It's late.  I'm tired.  I'm missing Ty too much to talk. 
I had a good day today, though.  I worked hard at the office. Mely and I put some paint on the walls and cleaned like crazy.  I got one of my new printers up and running.  We are going to do so many amazing things on behalf of Ty and all of the little warriors and angels out there.  Just wait and see.  All of this is thanks to you. 


  1. Cindy the pictures of Ty are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them. You are truly an amazing mom, thank you for inspiring me to be a better mother! I will kiss my kids a few more hundred times, hug them a few minutes longer and take the time to listen to everything they tell me! You've shown me how precious time with them is, you're my super hero! Love to The Campbell's xoxoxo

  2. So cute!! I wondered if Mely got to stay longer. One day at a time, that's all we can do. Love and Prayers to you, Terri

  3. Beautiful photos, as they all are. God Bless you Cindy, He has plans for you. I just know it. you are too amazing for Him not too.

  4. Hi Cindy! I'm reading your blog all the way from Canada. I've been following for a while now. Ty is the sweetest angel.

  5. Beautiful photos of a beautiful boy. I truly believe that through Ty and his foundation, your family will have a hand in eradicating cancer's lethality. I long for the day that when a child has cancer, their families can rest easy, because through a simple course of treatment, their health will be restored. While I long, you're taking action! Through you, Lou, Gavin and all of Ty's loved ones, and all the people that SuperTy saved from taking life for granted, this day shall come I believe it, and I hope I'll be here to see it. God has plans for you and others who have lost their loves.
    With love,
    The Schuetrumpf family, Justin, Vanessa, David (4) and Adam (17 months), Lancaster PA

  6. I am crying looking at these photos of your beautiful little angel. I still can't believe ehat's happened. It's just so painfully unfair. I'm so sorry dear Cindy.

    Christina. Hoboken

  7. Cindy, these pictures are beautiful.

  8. I know what it is like to stumble upon pictures.. Not in your shoes though :( I am so so sorry. I have no words. Except. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL

  9. You will be with him again. Please know that. Yes you will!!! In the months to come You will be more involved with God and work on the foundation and.. yes! Ty will always be there.

  10. Beautiful! God bless you.

  11. Just beautiful Cindy,
    sending you love from Brisbane, Australia

  12. Guess what Ty?? You made my night!! These pictures a're awesome :) !!

  13. Cindy, I wish I could take the pain away. When I lost a loved one I felt it for the first time. The worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Gosh, I am so so sorry for your tremendous loss. Please keep sharing these adorable pictures.

  14. Beautiful pictures...thank your for sharing them with us. God bless you all, sending you hugs from Myrtle Beach...

  15. Such cute pictures of Ty!! This was a post that left me smiling, not crying as usual...Ty was definitely a happy child - so glad you were blessed to be his Mommy :) :)

    1. The postage stamps are a great idea! I am going to put them on my Christmas cards. I have finally found a way to spread awareness - I get too choked up just thinking about telling people about Ty, can't get the words out, so guess I am just not "ready" yet emotionally. Your son probably has that effect on a lot of us!

  16. He's beautiful!!! I think of him everyday. The sky was so pretty last night and I always think of Ty when I look to the thing you know my son was rollling down a messy wet hill and sat up covered leaves--- and he oved it...that was my Ty moment!! Xo ) Lisa- Rockland county

  17. Precious memories...what would we do without them? The photos are beautiful Cindy. I especially love the one of you and Ty...the love it generates is heart warming... You and Ty both have the same beautiful big smile! I hope you find many more sweet memories like these... Xxx

  18. Cindy- My sister and I who both have followed your blog and have never had the pleasure of meeting you or your beautiful Ty were just talking the other day about how much Ty has touched our lives and how much we have learned about life and what's important through your blog. Ty continues to impact our lives with his beautiful spirit. I have no doubt that you will do great things in his honor. I'm so so sorry for your pain and I wish you as much peace as possible during this holiday season.

    Ann from Buffalo

  19. Although we never met, I think of you and Ty everyday. I pray that you see Ty in your dreams and that you feel a little stronger each day. I am a mom of two little ones just like you, and your words truly insprire me to see the beauty in the little moments of each days with my kids. I've been doing a lot of kisses in crooks of necks lately! I can't wait to see all that unfolds with Ty's foundation and with raising awareness for pediatric cancer, and I can't wait to be a part of it in any way that I can.

  20. Those are the greatest pictures. Ty is always so beautiful.

    The whole last month seems like an awful dream that doesn't make any sense. How could cancer happen to such a perfect child. I'm praying that you and all of us find peace in this somehow as it really doesn't make me feel peaceful one bit.

    Hope today is a good day.

  21. Hi Cindy, you continue to inspire me to be the best mom I can and to savor every moment with my kids. I thank you for that. Your baby was amazing and will always be. He has brought so much awareness to pediatric cancer and will continue to for so long. A friend forwarded me an email today about a little girl that attends her daughter's school who has been diagnosed with a rare form of brain tumor that is inoperable. The family is working with the Make a Wish Foundation to get 10,000 letters written to Santa in her name. Macy's will donate $1M to the foundation if they get a million letters and her goal is the 10,000. I know you have a huge audience and your foundation and was wondering if I could send you the email to see if we can help her reach or exceed her goal? Please let me know if you can help. God bless you and keep doing what you're doing. You are an amazing woman.

    Jenni Gablehouse

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Morning,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures.

    My continued thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.

    God Bless.

    - Rob Swan

  24. Cindy,
    I do not often comment on your blog, but I just wanted to say that I check for your words every day. I do not know how to comfort you in your grief. You are amazing and strong. Thank you for sharing your words and pictures with us. Your family are in my prayers every night.
    - Kate

  25. Cindy,

    Ty is just so beautiful! I'm so glad you found these treasures and shared them with us. I think it would be great if the walls of your office were covered in pictures of Ty. He is a true inspiration. Keep up the good work as good things will come. Your family is always in my prayers <3

  26. Great pictures -- thanks for sharing. He is beautiful!

  27. Thank you for sharing these beautiful, special pictures! They say God picks his most beautiful flowers from his garden...

    I am so, so, sorry for your loss.

  28. I thank you Cindy and Lou. You opened my eyes so now I truly see these beautiful warriors. Thank you for sharing Ty with my family...we love you all.

  29. Beautiful pictures! Ty was the most adorable boy! The love you have for your family and for Ty flows from every word you write. You have forever changed so many lives already by sharing your story, Ty's story. Parents are becoming more aware of the little moments with their children and the children are enjoying more time and attention with their parents in return, all because of you! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many. I pray for your family every chance I get and think of Ty often. He had the most amazing family to support him and the love he had for you shows in every single picture you post. Hold tight to your precious memories, it is so clear from the words you post that he is with you every minute of the day!

  30. Love you Cindy and Love all the pictures of your beautiful baby. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Oh my goodness your kids are just the cutest bings. What's Ty eating? Fries? Kid had good taste. The one where he's eating a donut with chocolate all over his face is my favorite. Hope you're doing okay, Kate

  32. Ty is so adorable! What great pictures!
    I was so touched yesterday when I came home and got your Thank You card in the mail. It was beautiful! I only sent a mass card so I can't imagine how many Thank you's you must have sent out. You are amazing! My family also lives in Pawling. I'm sure we've seen other at events and I hope to see you around town on the future. Though I imagine I will cry, I hope I can come up to you and tell you that you are the strongest person I know (even though we don't really know each other I follow your blog and think of your family so often). You will always be in my prayers.

  33. Beautiful! Ty will always be with you. I mentioned before about a memory blanket made of Ty's pj's, shirts, etc. Perhaps look into it. Always thinking of you and your family and hope that each day gets easier for all of you. Betty Warren Beacon NY

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  36. These pictures just put a huge smile on my face. Thank you for making my day today :)

    Still thinking about you daily....

  37. Cindy, Lou and Gavin,

    I saw this poem and immediately thought of the 3 of you,,
    God Bless you this holiday season and always,

    Dear Santa,
    I'm writing you this letter,
    as I'm feeling a little blue.
    So I hope that you don't think
    I'm asking too much of you.

    You visit every year,
    and leave everyone wonderful things,
    but I'm wondering if you also
    visit our loved ones who have wings.

    I know you must be busy,
    so much to do in one night,
    but could you please make an extra trip
    to the stars that shine so bright?

    You see we have special loved ones
    too perfect for life on earth,
    no presents could we send them
    to truly show their worth.

    So could you please leave them all a gift,
    and put a stocking on their cloud
    filled full of precious presents
    from their loved ones on the ground.

    Please stroke their sleepy heads,
    tell them their families love them so.
    that their hearts ache with sadness
    and the tears just seem to flow.

    If you could do this for me Santa,
    their families might be able to smile
    even if it is just
    for a tiny little while.

    So, thank you very much Santa,
    for everything you do,
    after all it's Christmas
    up in Heaven too!

    1. This made me cry. Very sweet

    2. What a beautiful poem... The tears are falling once again!

  38. Ty is a beautiful child!

  39. What a beautiful gift of the many happy memories you have of this amazing little boy....and to say I am in awe of you and Lou's strength would be an understatement! As a mother who too has a child in heaven I know this immense pain your family is going through. I have followed and sent prayers to you for quite some time. You gave this little one so much love everyday and that continues on. I wish you the best of days that are possible, be kind to yourselves knowing that he is with God being held close until he can be in your arms again in Heaven.

  40. I think of your little boy every day. You are a wonderful and loving person. I hope you, Lou and Gavin find a new reason each day to allow yourself to smile. Your Ty will live on in you forever. When you miss him most or need him most, that is where he is.

  41. Cindy those picture are adorable. He touched some many hearts and still does. I'm happy to hear you are busy at the office... I can't wait to see it all done :)
    Keep up the good work!!!
    Maria Savlick

  42. I am always struck by Ty's beauty!!!

  43. I have def become a better mother because of u. I'm so sorry for ur loss. I cry for u everytime I read ur blog. My husband doesn't even want me to read them cuz all I do is cry. I have 2 boys, 7&9. They are my world. God please bless all of us & especially this amazing family. XOXO
    Norwalk, CT

  44. Cindy,
    Please continue to post your new pictures of Ty. I love to see him healthy and smiling in his Momma's arms. I will often go back to older post on your blog (when he was doing so well) and pictures before his diagnosis, that is how I want to remember that beautiful baby boy of yours. Thank you so much for sharing... God only knows how hard it is for you. Please know I think about you all the time... you are never far from my heart.

    Sweet Ty, I hope you are safe and happy... playing with good friends and eating candy until you are reunited with your family again. Thinking of you always, sweet boy. XOXO! Kylee

  45. Cindy....Ive never met you but I think of your sweet Ty all the time and of you. I know you say the comments help so here it goes ill try to be brief. Occasionally the sky has breaks in the clouds where rays of light shine down for us to see. Not very often do you see that and it always prompts me to think of those that recently went to its a sign they got there. I know ty is safe. Secondly do you even realize how good of a person you are?! Just reading the story about the kiss Gavin gave you....I agree it had to be from Ty. However the fact you're even able to see and appreciate that especially so soon is astonishing. The world needs more Cindys. But like other people who've posted i echo the fact the God will bring you happiness again and w that said you or any of us readers will never forget your wonderful little boy :) thank you for the pics and your tree is magnificent. I love the ty angel ornament. Hugs your way.

  46. It's hard to say anything, it all seems so empty. I have been where you are, at teh bottom of despair, and almost unwilling to let the pain go, because the pain is what keeps you closest to him. But, eventually, it will hurt less, and that is good. It is the right thing to be able to remember without the pain. I wish you, your husband, and your sons, a moment of peace. Just a moment, because it seems like a brief respite is all you can handle right now. Soon, I will hope that you are ready for a day without pain. Many loving, peaceful thoughts for all of you.

  47. Cindy & Lou, I just wanted to post tonight to let ya'll know that I still end my night checking in here, that I still pray for you, Lou & Lil Gavin every night, that I still carry Ty in my thoughts through out the passing days and will still continue to do so tomorrow. God Bless You Always Campbell Family <3 <3 <3 <3

    Just wanted to touch base to let ya'll know..that I AM still here and my heart still goes out to "you4"

    ~Michelle Hughes, North Ga.

  48. i am in AWE of Ty ALL the time. Think about him EVERY day, such beautiful pictures as always!

  49. Heavenly Father,
    I lift up Cindy and Lou to You and ask that You give them strength and comfort during this painful time. Help them to remember that death is not the end, and that through faith in You and Your Son Jesus we are assured of eternal life. Ease Cindy's fears about her son Ty and place in her heart the certainty that he is loved and cared for, happy, free from pain, and resides in Your loving arms. Comfort Cindy and Lou with the knowledge that all who believe will someday be together again in Heaven with You. I pray that they will know that You are walking beside them in this most difficult journey and You will never leave their side.
    In Jesus' name,

  50. I hope I never know, too. Sad as it is to say, selfish as it is...I don't want to join the "club" you are now in. I'm in too many tragic clubs of my own already.

    With that said, I DO want to lift you up. I DO want to let you know you are not alone. I DO want to help you bring Ty's story out and I DO want to help you help the pediatric cancer awareness world.

    I see pics of Ty and he's gorgeous. Inside and out. It's apparent even in images how amazing his character was. And it scares me. Because one of my twins looks like him. Has that same amazing character. Has that perfect look in his eye to let you know he knows so much more than he can say. And if anything happened to him, I don't know that I could go on. Him or his brother. I don't know how you do it. But I know you don't really have a choice. Which is why I want to do all that I can to help.

    As always, sending up thoughts and prayers for you all to find peace.

  51. That first picture of Ty as a baby is breathtaking!!! He was one adorable little boy. I miss reading about him so much. It is hard to find the right words to say to you during this difficult time. I'm not sure anyone can even say anything to alleviate the pain. Just know that we all miss your son tremendously and we hold you close in our hearts and prayers.

    Laura in Texas

  52. What wonderful pictures of Ty - an absolutely beautiful child. And I love the picture of Lou with the boys at the hospital, some great looking guys in that Campbell family :) Like so many others Cindy I think of you daily and wish you and Lou and Gavin some kind of peace. What has happened is so unfair - it will never make sense to me. I am grateful you continue to blog - praying it is the outlet you need to keep you going. Knowing you will do amazing things with the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation. Hang in there momma - you're doing the best you can everyday. You're a hero and an inspiration. SuperTy always and forever.

  53. My G-D Cindy, this is really bitter sweet. lokking at him I dont know how can someone so beautiful and pure and precious suffer so much and only live 5 years. Poor poor baby. I miss seeing his daily smile updates. Life is not the same since Ty is gone. My faith was shaken up. Not broken, but I am still confused over it. I has to reach out to my Rabbi and ask him about what happends to kids soul and only after I received a satisfying answer I was "almost happy" again. Your dedication to the cause is contagious. You make me want to do so much more. I do get lost sometimes with who will need what and when and how to best help, so I am so happy about your foundation because I am clearly in need of more directions and if you could give us suggestion where you as a mom of a baby know where help is needed the most I would love to do that.
    Bye bye handsome funny little man. You make me cry and smile at the same time daily. i love you. Best of luck Cindy, Lou and Gavin. You will move mountains.

  54. Beautiful pictures. Hugs from NC.

  55. Although I know there are no words that can save you from your heartache, Cindy, please know that we are all thinking of, Lou, Gavin and Ty and praying that there is a world where you will all be together again, relishing each other's smiles and the love that radiates from each one of you.

  56. i have three healthy children thank god... but i know that if there is anyone that can make it a safer childrens world of cancer you will do ur best to bring out the best in Dr.s and researchers that can help us find a cure....!!! God bless you because if there ever is a day I have to fight Cancer with anyone i love i know it will be alittle easier because u have helped me emotionally and mentally... thank u cindy may god watch over u this holiday season!

  57. Thank you for continuing to share your pictures. Sending you a big hug all the way from California. I'm always thinking of you and your family. Ty is such a special little boy that touched so many hearts. You are doing wonderful things to spread his story around and with this new office oh my gosh the great things you will be doing for other families. I can't wait : ) God Bless you always


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