Our baby is finally free. Rest in peace Ty Louis Campbell.

Ty Louis Campbell is gone, but his story continues.  This is our promise to him.  His impact on the world around him gives his short but inspirational life such meaning.  His soaring spirit will continue to fuel a fire in our hearts, and strangers around the world will continue to fall in love with the little boy who fought so valiantly.  The little boy who hurt so much, but maintained a bigger, brighter smile than the healthiest of children. 

Ty never did break his fever.  He never really woke up.  Not until he decided to leave this earth and fly freely among the clouds.  At that very moment, he was awake.  He had returned to Lou and I to say goodbye.  To say our hearts are broken would be like saying it tickles to have your stomach ripped open with a spoon. 

I went to bed last night with so much worry on my mind, but I was able to fall asleep because I was calmed by the fact that in his semi-conscious state, Ty seemed so incredibly peaceful and comfortable.  I laid down next to him, I put his arms around my neck, and I fell asleep to the sound of his soft, garbled breathing.  In my head I thought, "If he doesn't wake up around 3 in the morning and ask to go downstairs, he isn't going to wake up from this."  In the morning while he continued to sleep, I sat with my mother and I finally heard the words come out of my mouth, "I think Ty is going to die today."  I didn't want to know this, to feel this, but I knew. 

All morning I was in and out of the bedroom because I didn't want Ty to hear me crying.  I didn't want to scare him or to think he was worrying about me.  I would wander around the house, aimlessly trying to catch my breath before returning to the room once I felt better.  We called the church and asked for the pastor to visit.  We made sure my Dad was on his way, and we had all of our parents here to visit with Ty. 

Around noon, I was finally compelled to just stay in the room.  No more walking around the house.  I am so glad my subconscious helped me settle down so I could stay there with Lou and Ty, holding his hand.  The pastor arrived and he was so kind and gentle.  He helped us say a beautiful prayer for Ty and then he left.  I walked him to the door, came back to the room and the second I turned to look at Ty his eyes shot wide open.  It was as if his eyes were flickering open in a way that I can only describe as magic.  Lou and I couldn't believe what was happening.  We tried to ask him what he was seeing, but he didn't answer.  Lou told me it was time and it took every ounce of my being not to scream and wail and fall to the floor.  I couldn't do that to Ty.  I needed to tell him everything was going to be okay. 

I scooped Ty into my arms while Lou wrapped us both in his.  For a moment, Ty's eyes remained open and I stared into them so intently because I needed to be sure that he was witnessing something beautiful.  I promise you he was.  Through our tears we assured Ty that it was okay for him to go because he was taking us with him in his heart.  Over and over we told him I love you.  We told him how proud we are of him.  We thanked him for letting us be his parents.  We encouraged him to play, to eat candy in heaven and to slide down the rainbows into huge puddles of mud.  His last breath was a tremendous gasp - not because he was gasping for air - it was a gasp like when you witness something beautiful and exciting.  Like fireworks.  I have to believe with all my heart that he was excited. 

When our beautiful nurse came to pronounce him, she was so warm.  She shared with me her experiences and they gave me so much comfort knowing that she witnessed others passing who proved to be similarly happy and at peace.  She also told me that when she came to see him yesterday, she felt very strongly that Ty was already gone.  When she told me that I realized that maybe she was right.  I like to think that he was exploring, being greeted by his friends in heaven and deciding what to do.  When he opened his eyes he was showing us that he was seeing pure beauty and he just was coming back to us to say goodbye. 

Ty's beautiful little body stayed warm for a long time.  I didn't expect that.  The top of his head.  His back.  His belly.  So soft and so warm, we rested our hands there for I don't know how long.  We took turns holding Ty.  Walking around with him and kissing him.  It felt so good to hold him on my shoulder and kiss the crook of his neck without hurting him.  Lou was squeezing him and loving him all up, too.  Finally, to hold him without hurting him felt so beautiful.  We stayed together, just the three of us, for the next five hours or so before inviting our family back upstairs.  I will always cherish that private time we had together. 

After a while, Lou and I gave Ty a warm bath.  Lou washed his head, I washed his feet.  We kissed his skin ten thousand times.  There were as many tears in that tub as there was bathwater, but it was beautiful.  He was so beautiful.  Every inch of his body.  We dressed him in his white suit with a blue pocket square (his favorite color).  We put on all of his jewelry and he is holding his rosary beads from his christening.  We cut his hair for us and we cut ours for him.  We filled his pockets with a blue lollipop from his favorite girls at the bank, a chocolate gold coin, a 2 dollar bill from his great grandfather and some extra money for candy.  My dad put something special in his hand and we have a lot of other things that we will include in his casket tomorrow.  Ty is taking lots of his "loot" with him. 

Right now Ty is still in our bed.  He is all dressed up for heaven.  He has a smile on his face.  I know you all think that sounds crazy, but every single person who has come to say goodbye to him has validated it.  As I am watching his presence leave his body more and more, the hint of a smile on his face becomes even more prominent.  My sweet, sweet, good boy.  He was always quick with a smile, right?  He is telling us he is happy.  It may seem strange that he is still here, but our plan is to have him placed in a casket and then cremated.  If a person passes away after 12noon, he or she can't be cremated until the following day.  Ty died at 1PM and there's no way we would leave him with anyone but us right up until the very end.  We will ride with him in the car tomorrow morning.  We will be with him until the very, very end.  Just as he is with us.  I have felt his presence in this room all day long, and I feel him with me right now.  I hope I can always feel him... at least when I need to the most.  I am so scared for Lou and myself in the days that come. 

There was an amazing prayer chain planned for Ty at 7PM tonight.  All morning I told myself that the prayer chain was my last hope.  I wasn't giving up until then.  Maybe all of those voices asking for Ty's healing miracle at the same time would wake him from his sleep and heal him.  So when Ty started slipping away earlier, I almost yelled "No!  Not yet!  I changed my mind, don't leave us!"  As much as I wanted to scream those words at the top of my lungs, I remained as calm as possible and instead allowed Ty to give us the greatest gift of peace, serenity and ever-lasting presence.  I imagine he saw what an incredibly beautiful day it was today - by far my most favorite kind of day - and maybe he just didn't want to wait any longer.  He wanted to take off into the crisp fall air and fly over the golden trees into the sunlight.

At 7PM this house became flooded with tears.  Lou and I remained alone in the room with Ty to say our prayers before allowing anyone to come up and see him in his suit.  From here we could hear all of our closest family members breaking down.  The cries and sobs could no longer be disguised.  Outside our house were hundreds of people with candles, united in prayer.  In town there was another circle of friends gathered - lighting candles for Ty.  There was a vigil held for Ty in Long Beach on our boardwalk.  All over the place, people were praying for Ty.  What an incredible way to honor our incredible little fighter.  Thank you so much, everyone, for loving Ty and for praying for his miracle.  Just because he wasn't healed, doesn't mean we didn't all witness a miracle.  Over the past two years, I've seen several.  Ty Louis Campbell's existence alone was a miracle. 

I still believe.  I hope you do, too. 

God Bless you, Ty.  Please visit me in my dreams.  I don't know what I'm going to do. 


  1. "Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever..."
    God bless you and your family. My heart is breaking for you, but thankful that you had that precious time with him.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. My heart broke for the second time today as I read this. You have been so brave and so strong. Your love has known no boundaries, and your soul has shone bright through your pain. Nothing I write can do a thing to make you feel better. But know that so many of us love your sweet boy and the rest of his amazing family and that we are all thinking of you and praying for you today and all these days after. I'll never look at a mud puddle the same way again.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Your son Ty was so strong and lucky to have you guys for his parents. God bless you all. I hope each day brings you peace. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. What an amazing account of his precious last moments on earth. He was clearly so lucky to have you as his parents, and you to have him as your son. May your memories bring you comfort through this difficult time. Thank you again, for sharing him with all of us. We will never forget Ty.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss, it is so incredibly unfair. Such a beautiful little boy. I hope you always sense Ty's presence, I have no doubt that he will be watching over you. Sending prayers and love your way from New Orleans.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. :(
    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family!
    We are so touched that you are sharing all your happy and sad times with us!

  7. God bless you all. We will all pray for you and your angel Ty. May god guide you through these next steps to come. You are loved by so many. You are amazing and I know Ty will help guide you too. Ty and your family have taught us all so much, he was a gift to thousands of people. Praying for you Cindy, Lou, Gavin and the rest of your family.

  8. Fly high sweet Ty, you beautiful, beautiful boy. You have touched so many people, made people better parents and better people, and you will continue to do so forever. Cindy, I don't know you but I am aching for you. I am just so sorry. It sounds like Ty had the most beautiful last few days. How wonderful that you brought him home from the hospital. My deepest prayers and love are with you.

  9. I will pray for your family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with us and I am so terribly sad for your loss.

  10. Such a beautiful post. I am so so very sorry.

  11. i dont have words right now to tell u how sry i am for you and your family. i cant begin to express right now how thankful i am to you for sharing your journey with us. i cannot express my love for your Ty and the hole in my heart today. But i must tell you now you are amazingly strong, you are an insipration, you are such a beautiful person. may God comfort you.

  12. How blessed Ty is to have had you as parents. How blessed the world is to have had him.

  13. I am so so sad for your loss and sadness, I cannot even imagine. But I am happy that Ty is no longer in pain, he is running and playing up in heaven and jumping in puddles. Please pick up the book Heaven is For Real...get the picture book for Gavin as well, as he grows older it will help him understand where his big brother is, and that he is safe and happy. You are in my prayers.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for your family. I pray that you may feel the breath of God in these coming days.

  15. I'm so comforted, I have been spending all night looking up stories about "death bed visions" to try to comfort myself about your beautiful angel Ty. After hours of doing this I DID feel assured and comforted, I told myself, if his mother makes a post telling us that he showed them that he was having a vision of a family member or something so beautiful that it will confirm for me that he really is still "alive" and I can begin to feel a sense of joy for him. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story and for confirming that he "did see beauty while he left this earth". Amazing! I am so happy to hear that, you have no idea! I hope you are feeling more confirmation as well. I hope to meet him one day when my time has come and get a hug and kiss from him. xoxo

  16. I have been up the majority of the night thinking of you and your family. I have no words. I was really hoping for a miracle for all you. You deserved it so much. What a special boy Ty was . The love, strenghth, and positiveness you have shown and continue to show is tremendous. I hope you know that you did right by that sweet boy of yours. You fought sooo hard. Sending much love and strength your way.

  17. I normally don't cry over things, but oh god, this has ripped my heart and torn it to shreds. I am sobbing so hard right now, and wish this would have never happened to you and your family. If I could, I would have traded spots with sweet Ty and died instead of him. I am so, so sorry, and wish you and your family the best. Life is just so unfair sometimes. R.I.P Ty, even though I never knew you, I will forever miss you </3

  18. Thank you for sharing Ty with us all - rest peacefully little one xx

  19. Cindy,I'm so very sorry! My heart breaks for you and I'm in tears as I read this! I have no doubt that Ty is in the presence of The Lord and he's having lots of fun running around and playing! He's free indeed! Praying for you,your husband,Gavin and the rest of the family,the God comfort you in this so much difficult time! I love you beautiful baby boy,have fun with the angels!

  20. I am so sorry :( i'm in tears right now and I can not imagine what you are going through. Rest in peace Ty

  21. Thank you for once again sharing a private journey so gracefully to the rest of us. My family will never stop praying for yours.Rest in peace Ty.

  22. What a beautiful way for Ty to be welcomed into God's loving arms ~ passing peacefully while in your loving arms. You never let him down, and his journey on earth was full of love from beginning to end. I am so sorry for your loss. Peace to you all, Super Ty's Super Family. I'll continue to pray for you.

  23. Words can not even express how sorry I am about Ty. Please know that Ty has made me a better mother. I too have two boys. A two year old and a 3 month old. Ever since stumbling across your blog I have stop sweating silly things, held them longer and harder and prayed that no child should suffer. You are an amazing and strong woman and your family should be c

  24. You make me believe Cindy. You and Ty and Gavin and Lou are who I believe in. I believe only something dicine coukd have brought you all together. It was meant to be. Ty was meant to be. Sure he was. Meant to be yours and always will be.

  25. Cindy & Lou,

    I can't sleep, my heart is broken. I can't even begin to imagine what your going through. Ty-incredible, amazing, a miracle. He has changed the lives of so many people, and I know he will continue to do so. He fought so hard, you all did. He's all bedda now.

    Love you guys and thinking about you non stop.

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  26. I am drowning in a puddle of tears on my pillow. I was just writing you on TY's FB page-when I decided to go back to superty's page to see if you had written anything and you have. The weirdest thing happened, everything you wrote i was going to ask you. Something told me to read the blog you wrote yesterday-again, and ask if there was any part of you that felt that it was going to be the end of this fight you all have been fighting for so long. The reason for my curiosity was bec of the way you wrote or expressed yourself in your writing. How Lou was talking to TY. Idk there was a peacefullness or serenity to it. You posted a picture of you holding TY and i had such a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about how he looked to me. I think your son will always remain such a huge part of our lives. He has taught us so much about life as have you and your husband. You are both the strongest people i know(and we have never met). I truly believe in my heart that TY knew exactly what was happening-I think he fought this long to stay alive until he was certain you and Lou were strong enough to handle his departure to Heaven. That is why he is superty-as hard as the both of you were working to make him comfortable everyday he was fighting the fight-he was doing the same for you. What a gift that is! God bless you and your family!! RIP superty!!


  27. I am so very sorry Cindy, for your family and for your loss. Rest peacefully little Ty. As a Mom of a 5 year old, words fail me and I cry for your loss, your great loss. I am so glad you had each other for 5 years, and the memories forever. And I thank you for letting us share your journey with you. You are in my prayers.

  28. Thank you Cindy for sharing your beautiful angel with all of us. We all love him so much. I hope you continue to feel his presence always.

  29. There are no words to justify your loss, but I want you to know how deeply sorry I am. Ty's journey has inspired me in a way I didn't know was possible. I have so much respect for you and your family, you have handled all of this with so much grace and strength. Thank you for sharing your story with us all. We will never stop talking about Ty and his beautiful life, and valiant fight. You have put a face to childhood cancer, and it's a face I will never forget. May you and your family find some peace in the days to come, and when you lay your head on the pillow at night know what a wonderful mother you are, and that many of us believe you too have super powers.

    1. I strongly agree with "everything" Jennifer said and Yes Mam his face will remain in my heart and linked to childhood cancer always..not another face will replace that for me, not another story will I ever follow, But I will forever donate to "Childhood Cancer" aswell as continue to spread the word until there is a cure found, until there are many more options for these children...but I will do it all through SuperTy and HIS Family. I will follow you all the way Campbell Family...until we see nothing but GOLD! In Jesus Name. Amen.

      ~Michelle Hughes, North Ga.

      I also want to say that it eases my soul so well to see you two truly have peace that surpasses all understanding...I have prayed for that every night always after praying for Ty Complete Miracle,,I would pray this for you and Lou, just incase our will was not lined up with the will of God's...and to read that made me shout for glory...Glory be to God for He is a good God and wishes none to suffer or parish, for He seeks to give us ALL eternal life and He is so worthy of our praise. My prayer is that, That sweet peace remain with you always until you hold him in your arms again in which You WILL do :) Glory To God! You Will Do Again! There is still yet a GRAND REUNION WE ALL HAVE TO ATTEND..;)

  30. Sitting in tears,
    waiting for the day,
    longing for the day of pain to be over,
    a beautiful boy gone ,
    a super hero to many
    an Angel sent to earth
    to spread the message
    taken in youth
    touched by God
    never forgotten
    never lost
    that little soul will forever fly
    God bless you baby Ty
    balloons will fill the sky for the rest of forever
    every October
    every September
    too many taken at such a going age
    forever we grieve
    forever well pray

    people of all ages touched by your story
    people of all ages, hear of God's glory
    an Angel you saw before boy left, but a smile you keep
    so many tears we all cry, so many hearts touched, but knowing your in heaven
    with Tay Ronan && the many others, keep us at a state of peace
    Awareness will be raised
    along with hell until the government does something about this
    God though will be praised
    for ending this nightmare but blessing in disguise

    we love u Ty
    fly, fly high with your super hero cape,
    && baby, eat all the candy your little heart can take

    many prayers && much love sent your way Cindy && Lou
    kiss your time to live it up with Gavin


    Aiden ((3)), Jr ((1)), && Sofii

  31. Cindy, Lou, Gavin, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart is torn to shreds for you and I pray you will find solace and the strength you need to face the difficult days ahead. Despite the anguish of The loss of Ty, there is great joy and release. Your baby is finally free! May you always feel his presence. May the void be filled with tears of joy and beautiful, lasting memories of the best good boy in the while world! He is now Gavin's guardian angel. And yours and Lou's. Bless you all for sharing your boy with us. He has made us all better parents. Better people. As many have already said, fly high little guy! We love you Ty, forever an ever.

    Christina, from Hoboken

  32. I am so extremely sorry for your loss. I thought about Ty all day today and had this feeling. I resisted looking at the blog tonight because I knew what it was going to say. This post was beautiful, though and as much as I prayed for him to be healed, I'm so glad he is finally free of pain and suffering. Ty WAS a miracle. He is the most amazing boy and I can honestly say he has changed my life. Again, I am so SO sorry for his body leaving this earth, but I know he will be with you all the time. He is everywhere. What an amazing little being. RIP Super Ty. And so many positive thoughts to you and the whole family.

  33. Oh, I am sooo sad to hear this. I read your posts to my boys every night, and they in turn would bring prayers to school (they go to Catholic school) for the class to pray.
    My parents both died 3 years ago and I dream them all the time,. They visist me, and my Mom alwaystells me, "You kwo I have to go now." She talks to me and she is whole and healthy and happy. She loved kids,m and I knwo misses her garndkids, my boys, so I have said prayers to her to look for TY and give him a hug in Heaven. She'll probably even get him some candy.
    I promise that the next time there is a rainfall here in San Jose, CA, I will take my 13 year old and 9 year old and we will jump right in the middle, getting muddy and wet, and laughing.
    Prayers to you and your family. Fly free sweet boy.

  34. I am so very sorry for your loss! You and Lou are stronger than most. Thank you for sharing your miracle boy with the world. I think of TY often and will not stop!

  35. My heart feels broken. I am so deeply sorry. Thank you for sharing Ty's journey with us.

  36. P.s Cindy && Lou ..

    in Centerville tn tonight there was this crazy hard rain that kinda popped outta no-where .. I like to believe that its only some of the tears that were cried by you Lou && the hundreds out there reading of Ty on a daily basis .. I think it just hit me .. && as it continues to rain .. I can't stop crying .. I don't have the heart to tell aiden yet tht Ty is in a betta place yet .. I will when the time comes .. I love y'all .. truely && deeply .. hold him until tomorro comes .. y'all are truely my heroes .. hold Gavin for me when u get a chance .. && give Ty a kiss on those beautiful heart shaped lips from aiden, Jr && me .. thank y'all && ill continue to check on y'all on a daily basis

    Oh && Ty would never leave the people alone that believed && never gave up hope .. he'd never leave the people who gave him more love than there hearts could truely contain .. he would never leave y'all .. EVER

    we all love y'all

    Aiden ((3)), Jr ((1)), && Sofii <3

  37. How can one mothers pain be felt through millions of woman?..... That's the strength of a little boy named Ty. R.i.p sweet baby boy. The world loves you, today and forever more.

  38. I don't have the words to tell you how my heart is broken for you at this moment. I wish I could properly form words to convey the love in my heart for you, just from reading your posts here. God bless you. I will be praying for you daily.


  39. Once again I am so so so sorry for your loss. I sit here and read this blog and just cried and cried. I can't even imagine your pain. This blog was so beautiful and spoke of so much love. This little guy went from tremendous love here on earth to tremendous love in heaven. He is covered in love on every side. You and Lou are the very picture of the perfect parents and your love is so apparent in all of your post. Ty and your family has forever changed me. Thank you and may God grant perfect peace to your family.

  40. Have never read anything so sad yet so beautiful. Your family are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing this journey and god bless you all and keep you all safe at this difficult time. Sleep tight little man.
    Sarah - Scotland

  41. We are so sorry to hear of Ty's passing . He was such a strong loving and happy little boy in spite of all that was happening to him . I only hope that now he is free of his pain and suffering and happy . G-d bless you and your entire family please stay strong.

  42. There are no words... There is no way to even imagine your pain... And, there is no understanding the evil that is cancer.

    I hope you won't find it presumptuous to ask a favor of you and your family. At such time as you are able please tell us exactly how we can help you to raise awareness and irradiate this scourge that is this disease.

    I am only one person but I'm sure I speak for others when I say we are prepared to gather an army to fight for our children and a cure for pediatric cancer. People all over the world would be honored to join you in the war I know you and your family will continue to wage. I would be honored.

    Thank you for sharing your son and his amazing story of strength and love.
    My deepest sympathy.

    1. super ty est au aradis des anges maintenant, il peut jouer, crier, sauter dans des flaques boueuses, enchanter avec son adorable rire, et surtout plus de douleur!! cyndi et lou vous etes des parents fantastiques!! et je sais que votre guerrier ty est egalement fier de ses parents, maintenant c'est lui qui va veiller sur vous et gavin. je vous aime vous savez, vous m'avez change, je ne serai plus jamais la meme personne depuis que je vous "connais". que dieu vous benisse, mes prieres vous accompagne. nathalie de france

  43. May you feel the peace of God and the strength of Ty in your hearts - I am so, so sorry yet forever blessed for having "known" your family and your precious precious Ty - rest now little man, rest.

  44. I guess like everyone I have been so deeply touched by your journey with Ty.
    I am an RN in palliative/hospice care and I truly love what I do, the beauty of a soul leaving peacefully is an honour to be a part of. Tonight though, I read your words as a mum, with a 4 year old son whose name means hawk coincidently.
    I am in awe of you and Lou, how you have kept breathing through all of this and your amazing tribute to your family through this blog.
    I hope it helps a little to know that we are holding you all in our hearts and prayers, sending guardian angels to help you sleep and hold your hand when you need it.
    Sorry just isn't strong enough.
    He chose his parents very wisely and I truley believe he will always be with you.
    sending so much love to you all.
    thankyou for reminding me how precious life is everyday

  45. Once again I am so so so sorry for your loss. I sit here and read this blog and just cried and cried. I can't even imagine your pain. This blog was so beautiful and spoke of so much love. This little guy went from tremendous love here on earth to tremendous love in heaven. He is covered in love on every side. You and Lou are the very picture of the perfect parents and your love is so apparent in all of your post. Ty and your family has forever changed me. Thank you and may God grant perfect peace to your family.

  46. Dear Cindy and Lou,
    I just knew Ty's passing would be as beautiful and peaceful as you wrote. I'm so sad, and so at peace at the same time. If there is such a thing as "a perfect way to die", you and Lou gave that to Ty. I've said this before, but you both are simply amazing. How did you learn to be such wonderful parents? I've learned so much from you both. I will continue to keep Ty in my heart. He is in Heaven, playing and flying. And we're all so blessed to have him there watching over all of us. Lots of love to you both, and to Gavin, and to your parents. You're an incredible family, and I'm so lucky to have been able to be a part of it.
    Love, Sue

  47. Tonight I let my son eat his favorite macaroni and cheese and stay up late tossing him in the air and kissing his belly and thinking of Ty. At the time, I didn't know he had passed away yet and when I logged on to check your blog...I have only felt this kind of sadness for another person leaving this earth once before in my life when I lost my best friend. I do not know you, I never met that wonderful little boy, but I believe with every thing in my mind and heart and soul that not only is safe and happy in heaven right now but that he is not gone from this world, and he never ever will be. Because of you, you amazing warrior mother, because you were brave enough to share his story and your pain with the world when Ty left this place he left s small piece of himself with every single one of us who loved him because OF YOU. And I am honored and humbled to carry your son in my heart until the day I leave this world and meet him. He is still the best good boy in the whole wide world and he will be always and always.

  48. I'm so very heartbroken - been in tears all day - but thank you for sharing your very important time with Ty.

    Ty has joined so many people together for you here. You do not have to be alone. When you are ready, let us know what we can do to help you. Ty would have wanted everyone to continue the fight.

    He is indeed a super little boy - the very best good little boy ever.

    I want to imagine your beautiful boy in a beautiful place with all his wonderful 'loot'. I'll never forget his smile. Ever.

    Peace, brave little Ty. May there always be muddy puddles and rainbows filled with candy for you.
    xox Jude

  49. Cindy and Lou,

    As someone who lost her dad from one disease and her brother to cancer not long after, I want you to know that you will never stop feeling Ty's presence.
    It has been 5 and 4 years respectively since losing them both; I very rarely go to the cemetery to visit them because I truly don't feel as though they are gone.
    I'm not religious, I'm skeptical about many things, but this in certain of - over the next few days be prepared to have Super Ty let you guys know he's still around.

    Sending you all much strength and love.

    RIP Super Ty, the greatest super hero of them all.

  50. I am so sorry for your loss, I've been reading this blog for only a few weeks and the impact it had on my life is indescribable. Ty's story has inspired me so much. May you feel God’s presence in this difficult time.

  51. Cindy, Lou, & Gavin,
    My heart broke when I heard the news of Ty's passing!!! Ty was truly a super hero! He was so strong & brave through the worst medical hurdles imaginable. But it is no wonder he was such an amazing boy. Your entire family is amazing! Your love and strength was an inspiration to everyone you touched. Just as your unyielding devotion and belief in a miracle supported Ty through his suffering, now he is a most precious & perfect angel in heaven waiting for you to rely on him to endure this devastating loss. All my love & prayers for you all!!!

  52. I have been drowning in a sea of tears since I came to check if today was going to be that smiling day you had hoped for.I broke down when I realized after a minute at what I was actually seeing. My husband came running from the other room, looked at me and said...he died?..he didnt know I was reading but he knew how much I couldn't stop thinking of Ty. I was making him pray over and over today for Ty's miracle. I was too upset to write before, couldnt sleep,came back to write and found your beautiful post. I can't imagine how, but you calmed my heart so much. You and Lou are such amazing parents, I wish I could hug you tight, Im so sorry this is all happening. I am happy sweet Ty isnt in pain anymore and your last hours with him were so beautifully described. What an incredible thing to do for him, despite the heart wrenching pain you are both going thru. I wish your precious angel was here, what an infectious smile and sparkling gorgeous eyes!! I love him so much. He has changed my life, as well as you and Lou. I will think and pray for him daily, as well you and your family. Thank you for sharing this incredible story, his amazing life, his amazing soul. Soar sweet Ty, you will live forever in my heart. Cindy please continue to write if feel you can. you are an incredible writer and person. God Bless you and Ty. <3 <3

  53. I have been a huge ball of tears today. My heart is absolutely broken for a family I've never met, but feel so close to. I don't cry for Ty, as he's in a place that's more peaceful and happy than we could ever imagine. I'm crying for you, his incredible family, his friends and all of us who have grown to love this little angel on Earth. He will be so missed, but his spirit will surely continue to shine. He has so deeply touched the lives of complete strangers and we will be crusaders in his honor.
    Ty, thank you for your life and your fight. Now, rest in peace sweet boy.

  54. Thank you for sharing such a personal, intimate, moment with all of us. Because of Ty, I will try to be a better person, mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Because of your words, speaking for Ty, he will continue to say all the words that he couldn't. Your baby and you will continue inspiring and spreading love and joy and patience, and all that is good. What an extraordinary gift you and Ty and Lou are to all of people you have never laid eyes on. Ty's voice is so huge. Thank you for all of this. That sweet little boy has forever changed the course of my life, and countless others. What an amazing thing that you both have done. His life will live over and over with every word you have written. I am honored to have been part of it, and know that it will unfold into so much more. Thank you for your beautiful little man.

  55. I am so sorry for your enormous loss. Rest in peace sweet little man. Praying for you in Oslo, Norway.

  56. Thank you for being o strong in the most horrific of times. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to take your precious baby boy into our hearts.

    This will never, ever be the end of Ty's story. I promise that this is only the very very beginning. I promise he will continue to inspire and change the world. And above all, I promise he will help put an end to this horror.

    It shouldn't be up to little boys and girls like Ty, Ronan and Ava to change things. It should have been done already. But those little superheroes ARE sorting it out, and we'll help them.

    I am so sorry you had to lose Ty. There will never be a reason good enough for this. Never.
    He's with the angels now. He's flying and playing and running, running, running on his strong little legs. He'll be causing all sorts of trouble up there with RoBaby. And I swear, he's the happiest little boy who ever lived that he got you as his parents.

    I wish I had a magic wand that could make this go away. But I don't. Instead, I will send you so much love and prayers.

    I love you and Ty so much. We all do.

    There are some dark days ahead. I can't pretend otherwise. But you will never be alone in this. The whole world is with you.

    And Ty will always be remembered as that beautiful little superhero who was so so brave.

    love, love, love

    F xxx

    1. This is gorgeous .. && only an assumption .. but this is ronans beautiful mama right ??

  57. My God! This just broke my heart! My eyes are burning, and I'm shaking! THIS IS SO UNFAIR AND UNBELIEVABLE! How can God take away a beautiful boy like this? Dear Cindy, Lou and Gavin, I know this probably won't help much, but I believe Ty is in a better place right now, and he's at peace. He can play, jump, run, walk, talk and whatever he wants, however he wants. He can finally be a kid. Just a kid, without having to fight this monster! He's probably happy, but I believe he misses you guys, and he's watching over you, Lou and Gavin!

    Ty Louis Campbell may be gone, but he will forever live on in our hearts! I'm a 17year old girl... I have lived much longer than Ty, but still he's my inspiration and role model! I look up to him! The way he never gave up, and countinued he's fight against this horrible disease, inspires me! this little boy gave me hope! And one day I am gonna do anything possible to find a cure! And I am gonna succeed. Thinking of Ty, all of the other children, my aunt, that has died from this motivates me! Inspries me! I'm gonna find a way to murderer this monster, the way it has murdered our loved ones.

    Ty would have been a great man one day! He would have made a huge difference in this world we live in. His story has and will touch so many lives. He is a true inspiration and a hero, and I hope and pray that the world has opened up their eyes to this monster. I hope we can all go together, and do something to help out. We can fight this thing together! If we all came together, WE ARE STRONGER than that monster. Ty Louis Campbell(and everyone else this world has lost because of this) has opened up my eyes. They have inspired me! And I am willing to do whatever possible to get rid of this monster!

    The best good boy in the whole wide world, continues to insprie and touch this world we live in. An he will forever do this! He is watching over us! I am gonna make sure that his story continues to live on. When I have children some day, I am gonna tell them about this beautiful boy! And Ty's story is gonna inspirem my children, to help out!

    I wish you, Cindy, Lou and Gavin a peaceful and happy life. I know you're gonna miss you beautiful baby boy, but just remember to be strong! I think Ty would've liked that! I think he wants you to be strong and happy, he dosent want you to be sad! He loves you so much! And remember that you have you're beautiful sunshin, Gavin, to be strong for. Hopefully he can take some of the pain away. It makes me sad to know that Gavin won't have his beautiful big brother to talk to anymore! But Ty is still there watching over him, and you! I wish you all the best in life, and I am forever grateful that I was a part of Ty's (very short) journey on this earth! THANK YOU SO CINDY, SO MUCH, FOR SHARING THIS BEAUTIFUL, LOVING, HONEST, HORRIBLE AND BRUTAL STORY! Thank you Ty, for being such an inspiration and a strong boy. Thank you for making this world a better place, by proving people that miracles do exist! Thank you for opeing peoples eyes! One day we are gonna find a cure for this monster, and we are gonna stop losing our loved ones! Cancer is gonna get cancer, and it's gonna die. It is gonna diseppaer from this world. And it will be all because of you, Ty, (and all of the other beautiful people we have lost)! You are our heroes! You are our inspiration and motivation! You are our role models! You may be young, but you were (and still are) so much wiser than most of the people that have lived for more than 30years, Ty!

    Ty, I hope you're happy. You will forever remain in my heart, and you will forever live on in us! We love you! Stay strong, and I hope you're safe!

    Much LOVE from Lendita Merovci, a 17year old from Norway, whos is crying her eyes out while writing this! I can't even imagine how you and Lou are feeling right now! I am so sorry for your loss, beautiful! Stay strong Campbell family!

  58. I don't have the words to express the deep sadness i feel for your family. Though the road ahead is hard, you have Ty to light the way and guide you through.
    Oh, and F U Cancer.

    1. hahahahahaha! GREAT comment to cancer!!!!!!!

  59. My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry that Ty is gone. He is such an amazing boy. Much love and peace to you and your family.

  60. So so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your amazing story of your journey with Ty. He was one special little boy who touched the hearts of many around the world. I do believe that god chose you and Lou to be his parents because you would know just what to do. You are truely amazing people. I pray for strength and peace for you and your family in the difficult days ahead.

  61. my condolences on your loss, and my complete respect for your stoicism and compassion.

  62. My prayers are with you and Lou. I have been following your story and I can't even begin to wrap my head around your pain right now. Ty is free to laugh, play, run and eat all the candy he wants! He is at peace and will forever be with you. You have made me a better mother thru your journey and I thank you and Ty for that. Thank you for sharing this story and words can not express my sadness for you. Prayers and love to you and your family. Rest in peace sweet boy.

  63. I'm so sorry for ur loss. Cindy, Lou, Gavin and Ty have made me a better person and I will always thank you for that. I will still be praying and sending you positive energy. Gavin needs you. please be strong.

  64. Cindy,Lou and lil Gavin,
    I have followed tys progress with every post.I am so sorry to hearabout his passing. . Always celebrate ty's life ..even in death. I will always celebrate his life with you through all the pictures you have shared with us. Thank you for sharing with us your journey of pain and love for this wonderful lil warrior.. So many people love this little boy TY. He always had such a smile that can steal your heart. Your a wonderful family and TY will always be a part of you as his beautiful spirit and you will feel it and you will know it as you continue your journey. I ask God to give you the peace and comfort through this time of loss. My thoughts have been with Ty all day and with you and Lou and Gavin too.
    I will alway ,always celebrate his life.
    I grieve with you tonight....Debbie

  65. What a beautiful post. I am so desperately sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you are going thru. Being a mother myself I can only guess. I pray that your hearts are healed and that God grants you peace as well.

    Ty is such an inspiration to us all...we will not forget how valiantly he fought and how much he changed us all for the better. I hope for serenity for you Lou and Gavin, and know that heaven received a beautiful angel yesterday. He is always with you. Thank you for sharing him with us. We love you all and especially Ty...I hope he is enjoying those muddy puddles and is felling "bedda". Rest in peace Super Ty.

  66. Yprianne from Tarrytown, NyOctober 18, 2012 at 5:38 AM

    Dear Cindy,
    I am so sorry for your loss, I only learnt about your story for about la week, I was so touched already by the video I saw of your family and Ty's fight against cancer. I am a recently new mom, my son is only 3 weeks old, I was feeding him when I saw my friends post about Ty yesterday, I couldn't believe it and went to check on your blog I was crying so hard my mother in law had to take my son away from me for a little. I was so sad for you and for your family. I don't know you or Ty but I felt so connected. I cared for a little boy who had cancer and spend many months at Slaon Hospital in MAnhattan, I wonder if I might have seen you and Ty in the playing area or in the hallway. The boy I cared for just turned 5. The fight that little ones like Ty or my little Aliatair have to battle are unfair, they shouldnf have to live such hard life at such a young age. Ty is now resting in peace, his battle is over and he can now run freely. His time was short but he touched so many, many more than any of us will even touch in a lifespan. I feel just lucky myself to have learnt about you and your family. Your story make me realize that I must not waste time and I should enjoy my son as much as possible. Im still crying writing my comment i wish I could hug you and tell you that you were a great mother to your Ty.
    I m sorry if my words come out wrong in any way, my feelings are sincere.
    I just want to add that I don't know how you did it, you kept writing, telling us your experiences and your feeling even on his last day, saw the fist post and then saw your last one describing Ty last moments as well as your own private moments after his departure, you are so strong. My condolence goes for you and your family. Ty is free of pain, bless his soul and spirit. From the bottom of my heart I love you

  67. There will never be the right words to comfort you.Even though I have a faith beyond faith even I ask why? Why little Ty..The only answer is that you were granted ammiracle to unite power in love, unity and friendship. That is a priceless gift to share with so many. You and your spouse were the parents entrusted with such an amazing responsibility for only a short period of time. I have wept for your son on his bad days and cheered for you on his good days. I must tell you that the way you were able to love him after he died was precious. I wouldn;t expect you to leave him someplace other then with you all and in your home.Nothing stops with TY's passing. We are already planning fundraisers to end pediatric cancer. I wish TY would have lived long enough to see what he acomplished in his life. However, we know that when mommy talks to him everyday she will share it with him. Hugs, prayers and much love to you.

  68. The tears won't stop. I'm so sorry for your pain. Ty has such an incredible mother and father.

  69. I just woke up from a dream about Ty. I saw him wearing blue jeans and jumping up and down. I remember thinking how adorable he looked in those jeans. I saw him and some kids playing with crayons that had Ty's name on them. Beautiful dream.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you Cindy and Lou.

  70. Cindy and Lou, Thank you so much for sharing your little boy with all of us. Although I never met Ty I feel like I know him abd the rest of your family. I got really nervous yesterday when you hadn't posted anything Tues. night. I was hoping it was because you were having too much fun and that Ty had a good day. I am so sorry for your loss or should I say "our loss". The world was a better place with Ty Campbell in it, uniting us in prayer and hope for a better tomorrow. Ty is an amazing little boy. He will always be with you. May you always feel his presence and be comforted by it.

  71. Tears, prayers, and love pouring out for you.

  72. Oh Cindy. This is the most beautiful thing I have or will ever read. You are so right. He is with you. Now and always.

  73. I am so deeply sorry. I will continue to pray for your family. Thank you for your sharing with all of us.

  74. I was so worried yesterday after your previous post. All I could do was ask God, whom I am struggling with in my own walk of faith at the moment, to comfort you, Lou, and Gavin and the rest of your family. Reading this post this morning has brought me so much peace I am relieved. Ty is a very special boy and his story is sad and tragic but he will leave a mark on our world and already has. Cindy and Lou, I feel like I've known you my whole life just through words and your family's has come to mean so much to me. Devastatingly beautiful describe this situation for me; it sucks what Ty has endured but it is comforting knowing he is no longer suffering. Please keep us updated on your family and Ty's cause, and thank you for allowing me to share in your joys, weep with you in suffering, and mourn with you in loss. Love always, Sally M.

  75. Cindy- Your eloquence and strength during this most difficult time is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing the intimate details of Ty's last day on earth with us. I will never be able to forget your little boy and will do all I can to raise awareness & funds for pediatric cancer research. Cancer has ravaged many members of my family, but when you see it happen to a child, like Ty, how can anyone not feel compelled to help in any way possible? Thinking of you.

  76. beautiful words. Prayers and thoughts for you.

  77. There is nothing I can say that has not been said already. You and Lou are the strongest people I know. Just as Ty blessed your lives and you were lucky to be his parents he was also blessed to have you. His spirit will live on long after all of us. I will pray for you now for peace and comfort in what will be the hardest time in your life. You have made your family part of everyones family with your blogs and pictures and although you don't know most of us we are all here for you. May Ty finally rest in peace and enjoy all that his new life has to offer since he did not have enough time to do it here. YOUR FAMILY NOW HAS THE STRONGEST GUARDIAN ANGEL IN HEAVEN. RIP TY AND THE WHOLE CAMPBELL FAMILY.

  78. I believe...always.

  79. Dearest Cindy, Lou and Gavin,

    I am so deeply sorry for your profound loss. And I am so incredibly greatful to you for sharing your difficult journey with all of us, and for being such incredible role models to all of us - you are showing us, not just what selfless, mindful parenting looks like, but how to shepard those we love to the other side in the gentlest, most loving way. Dying is as significant a passage as there is in life, and, too often, people are deprived of the opportunity to experience it, be it their own or someone else's, in a way that allows them to be present to the moment. What an amazing gift to Ty, that his spirit departed his body as he rested in your loving arms. What an amazing gift to you and Lou that you got to commune with his spirit's home of the last 5 years, to connect with his soul by enjoying the beauty of the fragile body that housed it. I am so grateful that you had and made that opportunity for your family to honor the sanctity of Ty's final moments. I am just as grateful that you are willing to share it with all of us, so that we may try to provide something half as beautiful for our loved ones and ourselves.

    You are truly an amazing family. I cannot begin to imagine your grief, nor what the rest of life will feel like for you. I can only hope that it will be some small comfort to you to know that you are loved by so many. I will continue to carry you all in my heart, and to look for, and find, Super Ty in each and every one of life's most beautiful, most precious, most fleeting, most fragile moments.

    Rest in peace, sweet, sweet Ty.

  80. I am so so sorry for the loss of you sweet boy. He touched so many people with his bravery and spirit. I am not sure how you will get through these times but I will pray for strength for you all.


  81. Ty will always be with you. Believe, Believe.
    signs are always there. Love Peace and Prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for sharing through this time.

  82. Thank you for sharing this beautiful yet heart-wrenching time in your life with all of us. I just bawled my eyes out reading this post, and honestly have to say you and Lou are the bravest, most loving parents in the world. After what you just went through and will continue to go through, I would have curled up in a ball and died right with my child. I have two boys and can't imagine life without them. Ty was so special and you were just the parents he needed and deserved! You know, I went outside yesterday and it was around 1PM and I thought to myself, what a beautiful day. And I immediately thought of your SuperTy and wondered, is this a sign that he is healed or he is gone? While I am relieved that he is now free of pain and suffering forever, my heart just breaks that Ty had to fight this EVIL BEAST called cancer and you had to watch your little boy battle something that NO CHILD should ever have to. I am so so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be often for you and your family. Ty was such a brave boy, I will miss seeing his smiling face. I also will pray that he will send you signs everyday to comfort you. He will always be a part of you. LOVE CONQUERS ALL

    1. Sorry - I meant to say beautiful post NOT life in the first sentence. Didn't get much sleep last night, kept thinking of you all and crying. Christine D

  83. Thank you so much for your beautiful posts and the wisdom that you share with the world. I only started reading your blog a week ago and it has changed my life. Right now I am bawling my eyes out for a family on the other side of the world from me and for a little boy that I only found out about a week ago. What a special family you are and what a special boy Ty was.

  84. Reading this blog entry made me cry. You and your family are so strong, and please continue to do so. Ty's also really strong too. I hope you and your family stay strong through this hard time. I've heard a lot of sayings which goes 'there's always something good in every bad thing that happens'. God bless Ty and your family! I'm sending you lots of love and well wishes!!! <3 <3

  85. If there is anyone in the world that will figure out how to get through this, it will be you and Lou. You are the bravest of the brave and you will find the way to keep living. Gavin will help.
    Love and thoughts to you all

    1. I believe that too, I truly do. My goodness what role models you two are. You have done everything right, right from the start and until the end you will continue to do so and we will follow, follow you all the way to a cure. In Jesus Name I believe this with all my heart and all my soul. Amen. Rest In Perfect Peace Ty, we will pick up the cross from here precious boy.

      ~Michelle Hughes, North Ga.

  86. We agreed to pray with one mind and purpose - for a miracle. I found out you lost your sweet boy just before going to meet with others to pray in Pawling. Driving over I noticed the crescent moon was huge with a feathery cloud hanging off the end. And then there were the pictures of the cloud that looked like a hawk over Pawling and Mahopac during the day. How could such a bright light leave us without such large messages in the sky?
    But as we stood and prayed and shared our hearts together - many people, as I, who don't know you - we all agreed that Ty's light has not extinguished. It has lit a fire in each of our hearts from the oldest to the youngest. I prayed that we would each do great things, remembering that the great things are often the little things - listening, being patient, overlooking trivialities...
    No one had a watch, or if they did, they didn't look at it. And when the prayer circle broke up into small groups no one wanted to leave. We "inaugurated" the new gazeebo with prayer, tears and candle drippings. We went to pray for a miracle, but realized that we were part of the miracle - people who pass each other in their busy-ness every day coming together to pray. Many folks agreed afterward that we pray together again.
    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now stays faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2

  87. May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  88. I have to say that reading your blog has been torture...I cried each time.....but its also helped me to hugs my kids tighter each night and appreciate more. My cousin died when she was 10 from cancer and my friends son just died a few months ago too...its a horrible tragic thing to have to go through...but I'm sure you will. Your strentgh and courage is amazing...may God give u more strength and fill your hearts with peace. That is my biggest prayer for you. We can't bring Ty back but you can be happy with the memories. Ty will live on forever. God bless you all. Much love..

  89. My heart is very heavy this morning. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your blog has inspired me to be a better mom...a better person on this planet. Your sweet boy was so loved and cherished by you all. I hope my children can feel that love from me. I will be thinking of you and your family , but mostly thinking about that wonderful boy Ty.

  90. Once upon a time a little angel was sent to this world. He was given an address of two very , very special adults, and one little child who were to be his parents and brother. They were chosen simply because they were the best. He was told that they were chosen specially to care for him and to love him unconditionally. These people were selected to collaborate with this angel to bring good to the world ; to bring love, kindness, friendship, compassion, joy, dignity, patience, endurance, perseverance, courage ,fortitude, sensitivity, insights, intellect, tolerance, wholesomeness, honesty, humility, sweetness, and other virtues to new heights on this planet. His mission was treacherously difficult , but he did his job magnificently. When he was done, he left an indelible mark not only on this very special family, but on hoards of others in places far off. With a spirit so powerful, and of such great magnitude, his presence remains strong. It is felt far and wide and will last forever, because goodness of that strength is simply un-erasable. His magnificent blend of innocence and purity, and strength of character way beyond his years, remains imprinted in the minds and hearts of all who were privileged to cross his path. The gift of his existence has the energy to transform from sadness to solace. It has taught us that we we must band together and strive toward the greater good in this great big puzzle called life. This angel is called “Super Ty” , a great little warrior, a hero to many. Like everything about him, his name was no coincidence, as he” tied” together the essentials of humanity, and brought the best out of us all. But really the two great heroes in the story , the two stalwart and valiant and most magnificent human beings , are two people named Lou and Cindy Campbell. Two splendid individuals who transmitted the greatest lesson of all; lessons on how to keep ones grace, integrity, decency, honesty and humanity in the face of unspeakable adversity. Simply put, to extract all that is good in this world and to teach us to do the same.
    If it is true as they say that the peacemakers shall inherit the earth, Lou and Cindy Campbell have laid claim to a very large part of it through the glorious graces of the angel TY.
    With undying love and admiration to Ty Louis Campbell and family

  91. Your story has touched so many and taught us all so much. In some way we all share in your pain... but the tears I cry can in no way take away the hurt. I am deeply sorry for your loss. You truly are amazing parents who have shown me how to be the best person, the best parent, the best friend anyone could hope for. Thank you for your courage and strength. May God bless you all the days of your life until you meet up with Super Ty again. Fly free, SuperTy. You are loved and will be missed.

  92. I read your blog every morning when I wake up before I get out of bed, this morning was no different, I am so sorry to hear that Ty is gone, but I know he is pain free and happy in heaven with his friends or family before him with fists full of candy. I'm sorry you had to use the suit and casket but please know that Ty was so lucky to have you as his parents who loved him so deeply and awsomely until God needed another angel. I cannot even fathom what you are going through but truly I believe that Ty will never leave you totally he will visit you in your dreams or when you need him most. Please find peace in how beautiful his short life was and how lucky he was to have you as his parents.

  93. Cindy, Lou and Gavin, My family and I are so sorry for the loss of Super Ty, the bravest little boy!! Our heart just broke when we heard the news about TY yesterday. The blog you wrote today was beautiful. Knowing TY went in peace with that gorgeous smile on his face, is comforting. Ty will never be forgotten, he will live in all our hearts forever.
    Betty R and family

  94. Cindy and Lou,
    I was so heartbroken when I read your post yesterday, and again today. I know that Ty is finally feeling bedda and playing in Heaven. I'm so happy that you were able to witness the wonder in his eyes before he left. I've heard of that before. My grandfather actually described some of what he saw in Heaven just before he passed. It was beautiful, and he was happy to go.

    I may never have met you, but I feel as though I know you and sweet Ty. I, and so many others, have come to love you all, and our lives have been changed for the better because of Ty's strength and your faith. You have made so many of us better mothers - I know I have much more patience for my kids, now! You've also inspired so many of us to fight this horrible disease with you. We will not give up!

    God bless you and keep you,


  95. My heart brakes...I can not stop crying....Ty is amazing as well as you and Lou! My son also has ATRT he is 14mths old. I understand your journey, I feel your pain, and know that your strength gives me strength to continue to fight for my son. You are am amazing family. There is no true understanding of why this happens to wonderful kids and great families but no you are just that. I will pray for you to find peace and comfort if at all possible. I will watch him fly high in the sky watching you from above. Love Always, the Barons

  96. You have the most beautiful way with words. May you continue to find peace in the sweet memories you have of Ty. We are praying for you in Charlotte, NC.

  97. I write this as tears stream down my face. This was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. You and your husbands strength is amazing. Your baby knows how much love you have for him and he will always be with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you today and always.

  98. Godspeed, Super Ty.

  99. I am so sorry for you loss. I will remember Ty, having never met him, because of your blog. I will remember you, and pray for your strength during this time of intense grief. Praying for you in Leesburg, VA.

  100. May God bless you and your family.Ty is watching over y'all and will be.I will pray for all of you to stay strong

  101. May God bless you and your family.Ty is watching over y'all and will be.I will pray for all of you to stay strong

  102. Yesterday after posting my comment about hearing Ty's song, I spent my day checking to see if you had posted on here. After my twins came home from school life took over for a while. It wasn't until about 6 that I had the chance to jump on Facebook and the first thing I saw was a post about Ty passing. I admit it, I LOST IT!! Sobbing in my hands, trying not to let my twins notice and not doing a very good job.

    My tears where definitely for my own pain and for you and Lou and your family. I know in my heart that sweet, precious Ty is peaceful and no longer suffering. He is in a better place....that he will always be with you. The world lost another amazing fighter, somebody who has inspired so many of us to do better.

    I woke up at 3 am and read this post. I sat in my bed crying again. This time it was all about you and Lou and your family. I thank you soo much for sharing his last moments with us. Letting us know that it was as beautiful and glorious as I had been praying for. You are incredible parents, allowing us to love your family, inspiring us time and time again.

    God Bless You All,
    SuperTy, Cindy, Lou and Gavin,
    Your family and friends,
    All of us who love you,

    Elaine Hinkle

  103. You are such a courageous woman. Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. I will say that I understand your desire to be with your son until being placed in a casket. In the Jewish tradition, there is someone appointed by the synogogue to be with the person after he/she passes up until the funeral. They also believe that the spirit is around until that time as well. They use this time to say their last words, express their emotions and love and any regrets to the person. It doesnt matter what religion you are, I understand your desire to not leave him alone. I truly believe that Ty's spirit is still with you and will always be with you watching over you and your family. I pray that G-d gives you strength to get through this difficult time.

  104. God bless you Super Ty. Peace be with you & your wonderful caring family. I pray for you & your family during this very difficult time.

  105. Having left myself and though it wasn't my time, I promise you, all there is is PURE LOVE PEACE FREEDOM and BEAUTY! AMAZING! What it is to be a part of GOD. He saw you all. His spirit lives through you. He will come again. He is always with you, in you and through you.

  106. Sending prayers your way. May you find comfort in the beautiful memories of Ty. May you also find comfort in two of my favorite scriptures. John 5:28,29 and Revelation 21:1-4 because they are a promise from Jehovah, a god that cannot lie.

  107. Thinking of you and sending you love and strength from Australia xx Rest in Peace Ty xx

  108. Cindy, you are an amazing person. To write the beautiful last chapter on this earth of Ty. The courage and strength you have to tell the world your most private and emotional story is unbelievable. Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful little boy Ty. My heart and eyes weep for you, and yes Ty is free, he is at peace and so proud of his mama. I have no doubt you are going to get thru this, your strength is amazing. Love to you all.

  109. I'm so sorry for your your loss, I could never imagine going through the journey that you and your family did. My mom recently passed away from cancer and she loved her grandchildren more than life, I'm sure she is a nanny to loads of kids in heaven. Ty was a very strong little man and he deserves to finally be free to play and jump. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and forever.
    God bless Ty!!!
    The kennedy family

  110. We can't thank you enough, Cindy, for allowing all of us to share in Ty's life and in his passing. You have given us a gift that will go with each one of us for the rest of our lives. We're all connected now, through your love for Ty and through his angelic presence. It's interesting... yesterday, I came in to check on Ty's blog to see if there was any news. It was around 12:40pm or so, and somehow, I knew he was gone or that he was leaving and started to cry, my heart breaking over your family's tremendous loss. Ty will always be with you...he will always be with all of us. He is truly a Superhero, a hero to all of our hearts. "Look! Up in the sky! It's Super Ty!" Godspeed each one of you on your journey, your journey of hope and healing. Godspeed.

  111. I am so sorry for your loss but so happy that your baby boy is no longer suffering. I just know he was greated so happily. May God wash comfort over you and your family in the days to come. I will NEVER forget TY.

  112. Cindy and Lou,
    Though I don't know you, I have come to your story through a mutual friend. You two are the most amazing parents. Thank you for sharing your story, your love and your faith. May God bless you, comfort you and guide you through this difficult time. My heart cries for you and I too shed tears though I never knew your precious Ty.
    God Bless You,
    Jen Sylvester

  113. My God bless you and keep you as you go through this journey. Ty is a lucky boy to have such loving devoted parents. He is with you always.

  114. God bless the sweetest little angel in Heaven...SuperTy.

  115. Cindy,
    You truly are Ty's hero! As I cried my eyes out Reading your blog, you and Lou still amaze me. Ty has been such an inspiraton to so many families, parents, he has made people that never knew each other friends, aquaintances are now friends and friends now have more of a bond then before Ty came into our world. We sat outside your home praying as a family, Charlie said some wonderful words about your family and there was not a dry eye in the group. As people began blowing out there candles to put on your stoop a woman started singing Amazing Grace like I have never hard before....I looked down at my 7 yr old daughter and she was sobbing and waving to your family at the window and telling me Ty was inside and she was saying goodbye....this was the most beautiful prayer chain for such a beautiful boy and his beautiful family......thank you for sharing Ty's story and aloowing us all to be part of your life. Now we all are on a mission to raise money to find a cure in Ty's name. You have a large support group and together we will make a difference. God bless you and your family....

  116. Sending prayers your way. Your gorgeous boy has touched so many lives, I will never forget him and his brave story. Susie

  117. Your family and Ty will forever remain in my heart. prayers for you all in your days ahead.

  118. Dear Capmbell Family,
    I can't imagine your pain. You have been so kind to share your story and spread awareness for your son's disease. I am so sorry he lost the battle. But, I don't think you lost your miracle,Ty was your miracle, as you say. He is the most amazing, strong , super hero that I have ever read about. I would have loved to have met him. The strength in that little boy is amazing! Look at all the people from all over the world that he has brought together, through you! What a gift we were given!
    You are blessed to have had him.
    I commend you for keeping his story alive , for he will never be fogotten.
    I too hope , he can now have the childhood he was denied on earth. I am sure the Good Lord is at his side, curing all his ailments now. May that comfort you somewhat.
    I pray that your family will be able to get through this, it will be hard and your journey long, but I am sure you will do it for Ty.
    You have been an inspiration to me and hudreds of thousands of others.
    God Bless you and your family and all those that are missing Ty so terribly right now.

  119. May God Bless your beautiful Ty and watch over your family during this difficult time. I am so very sorry for your loss of your brave little boy. We are all praying to give you strength for the days ahead. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We will never ever forget TY and your family and will continue the fight against pediatric cancer in honor of Ty.
    Rest in peace Ty.
    Lisa - Long Island

  120. God bless Ty and your entire family. Prayers for strengh when you need it.

  121. My heart breaks for you all. Thank you for sharing your beautiful child's journey and the miracle that is Ty. I am so sorry for your pain and pray for you all in these very hard days ahead. May he fly high above the clounds blessing us all.

  122. my heart is broken for your family but to know that Ty made such a huge impact on so many lives is incredible. Sending many prayers your way.
    Rest in peace Super Ty.

  123. God bless you all! What an amazing little boy that has changed so many lives! He is free now from pain and will always be your guardian angel! You have been amazing parents! So many people will continue to pray for you all! You have shows me what true love is!


  124. God Bless you All.. He will always be with you. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  125. What an beautiful farewell for such an amazing boy. The amount of hearts Ty has touched in his short time here on earth, most people do not touch in a lifetime. May he rest in peace and may you find the strength and peace to go on. He will never be forgotten..

  126. My heart just broke into a million peaces as I read your post. I am so very sorry for your loss, dear Cindy, Lou and Gavin and the rest of your beautiful family.
    How you took care of him, bathed him, loved on him when he was leaving this world was with such an amount of grace that I am in awe about it. God bless you.
    Dear Ty, may you rest in peace. I hope you will have the best of time in heaven until you will meet all your beloved ones again.

  127. My heart is breaking as I read your words. I am thankful that Ty will only know love, peace and joy now. No more pain. What a beautiful, loving, grace-filled life you gave him and he you. My prayers now will be for you--for your strength and peace and comfort. I will continue Ty's legacy by cherishing each day with my kids and seeking out the giggles, joy, puddles and candy stash. Thank you for the blessings you and your best good boy have brought to my life.

  128. Ty,beautiful boy. Fly free and soar.

  129. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. My heart is breaking for you and your family. He was way too young. Thank you for sharing this amazing story. it shows life is too short and sometimes so much shorter than we expect.
    With thoughts and prayers,

  130. Jennifer House MorrisseyOctober 18, 2012 at 8:23 AM

    You are so gracious to share those beautiful details of how you babied your baby into heaven. Thank you, Cindy.
    I remember being mesmerized by Ty when I came to NY and he was 2 months old. I was 6 months pregnant with my first child and when I held him I was flooded with anticipation for the kind of love I saw you have for him. I held him and he was fussy and I so wanted to be able to calm him since I was going to be a mom soon I wanted to know I was capable :) I ended up handing him back to you since I wasnt doing so good :) and he calmed right down. It was so cool. I knew he was special when I held him that time - its strange to relay but I was so mesmerized by him.
    I know you will never be the same. However, I pray with every inch of my being that you, Lou and sweet Gavin will find PEACE IN YOUR HEART.
    I wish I was closer. I wish I could be there. Next time I am in NY and hug you I am sure I will be hugging Ty also. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and your heart is TY.
    Love, Jennifer, Chad, Lachlan, Vito and Willa.

  131. I am so, so sorry. Love and healing to all of you...

  132. Dear loving Campbell Family, you and your beautiful little son have touched the lives of so many, there are many hearts around the world that are heavy and sad. You, Lou, and Ty have made folks love deeper, live in the moment, hug your kids tighter, life is far too precious. Heaven has another angel, he is free from pain, free from suffering and he is dancing in the clouds, with his amazing smile, and cool hair and he is happy, and he is whole and he is free from that awful disease. He is skipping in heaven having candy and resting on cotton candy clouds and he is happy...and he is smiling. Yesterday it was a beautiful day but at one point there was about an hour where the sun was just so warm and shone down so brightly you would have thought you were on a beach in the south, I feel in my heart that was Ty...smiling down on all of you and on the faces of all that he has touched with his incredible story....shortly after that I saw a rainbow and it was not a huge rainbow, but a tiny rainbow mixed in with mohawk looking cloulds and there was no rain, there was no quick shower it was Ty, I know it, I could feel it and I told my family it was Ty. I have been told that when you see prisims of color such as rainbows its your loved on in heaven shining down ;) you held him under your heart for 9 months Cindy and you will hold him in your heart forever. You and Lou and Gavin gave him so much love, more than any child could ever hope for and he changed so many people, touched so many lives and is held in so many hearts. Hold on to Lou and Gavin and your family and friends in these difficult days ahead, Ty would want that - God Bless all of you - xoxox

    Little Angels
    When God calls little children
    to dwell with Him above.
    We mortals sometimes question
    the wisdom of His love.
    for no heartache compares with
    the death of one small child,
    who does so much to make our world
    seem wonderful and mild.
    Perhaps God tires of calling
    the aged to His fold.
    So He picks a rosebud
    before it can grow old.
    God knows how much we need them
    and so He takes but few,
    to make the land of Heaven
    more beautiful to view.
    Believing this is difficult
    still somehow we must try.
    The saddest word mankind know
    will always be "Goodbye".
    So when a child departs
    we who are left behind,
    must realize God loves children,
    Angels are hard to find.
    ~Author Unknown

    Daddy please don`t look so sad,
    Mommy please don`t cry.
    I am in the arms of Jesus
    and He sings me lullabies.
    Please do not try to question God,
    don`t think He is unkind.
    Don`t think He sent me to you and that
    He changed His mind.
    You see, I am special
    and I`m needed up above.
    I`m the special child you gave Him,
    the product of your love.
    I`ll always be there with you.
    So watch the sky at night.
    Find the brightest star that`s gleaming.
    That`s my halo`s brilliant light.
    So Daddy please don`t look so sad.
    Mommy please don`t cry.
    I am in the arms of Jesus.
    And He sings me lullabies.
    ~Author Unknown

  133. Sending all the love in the world to you and your husband. I hope this doesn't sound crazy, but I grew up in long beach and after learning that your beautiful, precious Ty passed, I had a dream that you and your family were on the beach and Ty was swept up in the gentlest, warmest wave and swept out to the ocean. Everyone there was filled with heartbreaking saddness but also comfort and peace at the beauty of Ty's wave. Wishing you all the comfort and peace in the world...

  134. Cindy, Lou and Gavin, I came across your blog via Ronan Thompson's story. I have followed your story and prayed my heart out for that little boy. I am a mother to a seven year old myself and try everyday to give him as much love as I can. life is precious and tomorrow is never promised but a parent should never have to say goodbye to their child. Words do not seem to capture the injustice/unfairness of childhood cancer. Every day I hoped would be the day you would get your miracle. Your family has inspired me daily to be a better mother and person and your precious Ty's smile has made me smile everyday. I hope that you find comfort in knowing how loved Ty was by those that never met him. How deeply he touched all of your readers. Ty will always have a place in our hearts. Soar with the angels Ty and we will think of you everytime we see a bright star, a beautiful moon, a spring rain, or a hawk in flight.
    Shannon and Jalen (Ontario Canada)

  135. Wow! That is incredibly moving! God Bless Ty and all of your family and friends!! Heaven has a special angel and he will always be with you.

  136. Cindy, Lou, and Gavin--

    Last night I retweeted a news article about Ty with a "My sincere condolences to the family" tacked onto it, and its triteness has haunted me ever since. Words just aren't good enough to describe what you're going through. All I can think about is the ache I know you're feeling. My son is three months older than your Ty and he's been loving on Mommy ever since I told him about what's happened to you guys.

    At the same time, though, it's been tremendously encouraging to see your family's hope of heaven all through this blog. God is here and will carry you just as He promised. It's comforting to think Ty can run and play now. I'll bet he gave Jesus a big bear-hug when he saw Him.

    Once again, so so sorry for your loss. Love and prayers to you and yours.

    Rebecca, California

  137. My heart is aching for you. My mind is wondering and my brain is MAD. Mad that he suffered and that your family suffered. It seems so unfair! How can you be so calm and peaceful? You are a stronger person then I. Ty is in a better place, he is not sick, he is happy and healthy and pain free. We all know this, but in the same sentence how can it be "better". Oh I am so sorry, for you family and Gavin. I hope little Gavin is doing ok. When my 3 year old had to be at her grandparetns funeral she asked, "how will he brush his teeth in heaven?"-so we placed a tooth brush in the casket. Somehow these "earthly items" seem to be needed to allow us to send them away. What you did for Ty and what you did for all of us will last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your story, for allowing us to know and LOVE TY, for being so strong. Now, in the days coming, when you need to vent and ask why and talk about your saddness-let US be strong for you. Let us listen and support and love you. We are here for your famly. We loved Ty too. God Bless you and may he bring some peace to you and your family. Wrapping you in a hug..... Jen From MD.

  138. God knew what he was doing when he united you and Lou as Ty parents. The Reese's will always remember Ty and his strength n courage. My wife and I will always remember you n Lou as some of the best people we never met. Gavin will be always be in our prayers. God bless

  139. How precious this beautiful life. Sending love and strength to your wonderful family in the days ahead. Heaven just keeps getting better...

  140. Rest In Peace Little Ty!
    So sorry for your loss. Ty's story has touched my heart, and I hope he touches many more!

  141. I've been dreading seeing this post come up, over the past couple of weeks. I'm sick to my stomach that it has now. You will stay in our prayers, as you have been the last few years. We won't have to pray for your sweet Ty to be free from pain anymore, because he is happy and healthy in heaven. But, I know he misses his mom and he'll be right by your side for the rest of your life. I am so, so sorry for what you've had to go through/are going through now.

  142. I wish I could take even an ounce of your pain away. I wish there had been another way for Ty to be free. I wish it didn't have to be like this. We had a party for Ty last night. We went out for pizza, let the kids run wild in the arcade at the pizza place, played games, ate ice cream, and stayed up late. We even sang happy birthday to Ty cause I just didn't know what else to do. I will post pictures to your fb page. You all are in my heart forever. You have changed my life. Thank you for sharing your story. May you continue to be surrounded by love and support during this unbearable time. Sending light and love from NC.

  143. God bless you, Lou, Ty and Gavin, as well as your whole families. In Judaism, when someone passes, we ask that their memory be a blessing to those around them and following the funeral piece, we share stories, tears and laughter. I have been following Ty's story and am in awe of your strength as parent's to such an amazing little boy, who touched so many people in his time here.

    May his memory be a living thing for all of you and may that be carried on in his little brother, who loved him so much.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

  144. Oh Cindy... I wish I had some magic words to tell you to make you feel better. But, in reality, it hurts. I can only tell you that you were the best mother for Ty. You and Lou are wonderful parents, Gavin is a wonderful brother. You guys have each other and together you are going to cherish Ty's memories. Ty will always live in your (our) hearts. I am sure he is at a beautiful place now, jumping in puddles and eating candy. He deserves to do that.
    Last night when I was saying a prayer for Ty with my five years old son, he asked "So Ty is an angle now?" Yes, Ty was an angel on Earth and he is an angel in heaven. He came to us to teach us about love and now he will be watching over us making sure you practice the love he taught us.

  145. Dear Lou & Cindy,

    I am so sorry & sad to learn about Ty's passing. My thoughts & prayers are with Ty's family, his parents, Lou & Cindy at this time. Ty, captured my heart & soul - he was an amazing & wonderful young boy. Ty will always have a very special place in my heart.

    Thank you for sharing your family's heartbreaking journey. God Bless.

    - Swannee

  146. Bittersweet....I said it on Facebook and I say it on here because it really is....to know that someone is gone physically but to know they no longer suffer....to know that you will never fill the void but to know you must go on....to know you will talk to them constantly because they are always around but you wont see them till its time for you to go.....its all very bittersweet. I have not lost a child and God knows I hope I never do but I did lose my grandfather, grandmother and most hard my mother and to say sorry, they are in a better place really doesnt offer much of anything to those left behind. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and am in awe of all the love you and your family have and share, all that you will continue to share. You all are an inspiration and your son will continue to be for so many people (or so I hope). You and a few other families and children that I have read about and follow have brought so much needed attention to all of this and I hope, hope, hope that at least some of the people that follow you on here or that follow you and others on Facebook can continue to spread awareness, knowledge and funding. Bittersweet......

  147. You can have some ashes put in a necklace, so u can wear it everyday to keep him close to your heart, just a thought, i did. Thinkin of you all. Butterlycinamin

  148. Rest in peace brave boy. Watch over your family and give them strength.

  149. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story with us...rest in peace beautiful Ty

  150. RIP sweet beautiful boy I'm praying for you all

  151. No words, just tears. Thank you for sharing Ty and your family's journey with us. Your Pawling community will be here for you always.

  152. Beautiful said. Rest in peace baby boy. No more pain, no more tears, no more hospital rooms. Watch your mom, dad and brother. I'll always remember your beautiful smile and the way you fought. You fought like a champion and you are my hero! Lots of love baby boy... will be praying for you...

  153. The tears keep flowing - oh sweet, incredible, Super Ty! Fly high and know that you were loved and adored and were and always will be an inspiration to us all!!!

    Sending lots of prayers, "hugs," and peaceful thoughts your way!

  154. RIP, Ty. He will never leave you and never be forgotten. Thank you for sharing your most private thoughts in this difficult time. I found your post today comforting to know that TY is finally pain free and at peace and playing with the angels.

  155. Through tears I read todays post and had to stop several times to just cry.I hope you know how special you two are, as special as your baby boy Ty. I can't imagine doing what you did for Ty yesterday but you again, did what you had to do.God bless you all for being the best family ever and sharing it with the world.Ty will be remembered and prayed for forever.Run and play in those muddy puddles...Jean <3

  156. I'm so sorry for your loss. Ty Rest in Peace and be free. I'll remember how brave and inspirational you were to so many. Praying for the Campbell family.

  157. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. My heart is breaking for you. Everything ou shared is so beautiful and reassuring and your strength is inspiring. Prayers for peace...

  158. Cindy, Lou and Gavin,
    I followed Ty's story for a very short time. I have prayed and hoped for the miracle to come a saved this strong, brave littlest one. My heart breaks for your family right now. As I got up with my son this morning to send him off to school, I thought of how much we take this for granted. The time we are given is really so short. My words and tears are flowing , though the words, may not make much sense. I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry that you have had to endure this. Words are cliche and they do not have near enough to you to let you know how much I feel for you. I will hug my boys today and everyday with much more gratitude and joy for them being here. God received an angel today, His most precious. May SuperTy live in our hearts forever. God Bless you. God speed Ty.
    Shawna- Millbrrok, NY

  159. We will miss you Ty....fly free from pain and suffering!! Nebraska will keep you and your family close to our hearts....keep Team Jack in your prayers and watch over him Ty!! Cindy and Lou you've done one amazing job...

  160. Amazing Ty, Amazing parents, RIP Ty. You will never be forgotten. Cindy, what you did for yous son in life and in death was all that he needed and then some. You, Lou, Gavin and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. xoxoxooxoxooxox

  161. Your family has shared such an intimate moment with so many people. Thank you as I would imagine other families fighting for a sick child would take comfort in how you have managed to find the strength needed to let Ty go. I think God's plan for all of you was to help people understand that our spirituality is so very important in the midst of such devastating heartache. Reading all the comments you can't help but see that we are all so affected by Ty's passing. I believe that your and your family have lived what God preaches..that the life ever after is what we aspire to have though it is heartbreaking to see a child suffer and to finally leave. My prayers are with you all. Thank you for helping us to believe. I don't think I will ever forget your journey.

  162. R.I.P. Beautiful boy!!!

  163. What an amazing family you have Cindy, My tears flow freely as I read your blog today, much like yesterday when I first found out that Ty had
    left us to join many of our loved ones in Heaven. Your memories will never leave you, you have so so many to choose from! Your son was an amazing human being we all know, but its only by this blog and the face book page that we all even know! You are responsible for spreading the most wonderful loving true stories that has literally changed millions of
    people forever! Please take comfort in some of that (for I know that SuperTy is the real star!!! I want to take this moment to tell you that you are a beautiful person and a great writer. Thank you for everything that you gave me personally for I feel you were my daily medicine to reality. I Love your family, and will forever remember and love Ty Louis Campbell. All my thoughts and prayers!
    Sue D

  164. I love you Ty. I have read all the wonderful things about you and your family! You all had so much unconditional love! I felt that so deeply. I'm so very sad to hear of your passing, but now little man you are free...free from pain, free from heartache, free to run and eat all the candy you want. I myself have cried so many tears for you and your family. Your story broke my heart. I cant even fatham what a strong little fighter you were. And how your family loved you and took care of you as if it was ment to be. I know in my heart you are happy and finally able to be a "normal" 4yr old little man. Please watch over your mommy and daddy and brother. Please do visit them, whether in dreams, or flying birds. Give them the comfort and peace to know its ok. Please god I ask you to take care of this little angel as his parents did and give his parent the strength to go on. Amen.... My heart just breaks for you all. I cant stop cyring, but god will take care of your miracle child!
    Clear Family,
    Lynn, IN

  165. So very sorry, I have been following your blog for a while now and have fallen in love with your family. You are incredible people.
    If you see this go to Mayas blog, she posted a beautiful story about a hummingbird that may give you some peace. Thoughts and prayers from NH

  166. I saw last night that Ty had left this Earth. This morning I saw a shooting star and said a prayer for all who love Ty. I am sure the angel that held Ty's hand looked just like you and he smiled knowing he was a peace.

  167. Cindy, Louis and Gavin -- I am so very sorry for your loss. Ty is a beautiful boy and a wonderful addition to our little angels in Heaven. I have been captivated with your story and Ty's battle with cancer as I battle cancer myself. Cindy, you are a gift to all of us who have been following your blogs. You are an amazing mom, wife, and writer. Please consider writing a book on Ty's short life so that it may comfort other parents who are losing or have lost a child to cancer. It could also serve to be the beginning of a healing process for you as you grieve. I admire your strength and fortitude. No parent should ever have to say an eternal goodbye to their child. May God comfort you in the following days, weeks, months and years as you grieve the loss of your baby. I can't wait to meet him in Heaven!

  168. I have been praying for your whole family. I hope in time you will find the same peace that Ty is now experiencing.

  169. May GOD be with you all at this time...what an incredible story of such a sweet angel boy....thank you for sharing your lives with us...I will never forget you and your sweet boy, ...I have never met you, but you will be in my prayers always....

    Dana Marra, Mason, Ohio

  170. America's favorite super hero has gone soaring through the sky and jumping off clouds. Cindy, I can't begin to understand how you and your family may be feeling because this is by far the worst thing any parent can endure. I was on the bus this morning reading your beautiful touching story and i could not stop crying....for joy that he no longer hurts, for sadness that he is no longer with you and most of all for grief that is faced with his passing. Super Ty...i love you as you are my own..your mom and dad gave us all such a wonderful gift of hope everyday with the new post or smile of the day. I may have never met you but I know you were the most beautiful kid i know. I hope you are being a kid and enjoying every second of the day and walking, running and jumping around up there. Take care of your mom, dad and Gavin - they are going to be missing you.
    Cindy, Lou and Gavin I will always have you in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your story and making me a better parent.
    We love you.

  171. This is so beautiful and so very sad at the same time. These past 2 years have been an eye opening experience for me. I haven't cried like this in ages. I am having trouble finding the strength to get through my day I have no idea how you both do it! I am in awe of how strong you both have been. It is truely incredible!Thank you TY for teaching me so much. RIP SUPER TY

  172. My heart breaks for your entire family! My heart rejoices for Ty. He can finally do everything he couldn't do before. Thank you for sharing your journey with us the past two years. I have celebrated and cried while reading your posts. I pray for peace and comfort for you.
    Kara - NM

  173. Since I heard about Ty, I have followed this story here. When I did not see a post yesterday morning, I felt awful. I then received a text from my wife after she read of Ty's passing via Facebook. I was in a business meeting and could not keep it together. I have so many feelings running through me, and I do not know the family, except through this blog. I cannot begin to understand how Cindy, Lou & Gavin feel, along with their family. I can only say that I am so sorry, but that is not enough.

    After I heard of Ty's passing, the scene in Avatar when Sully connects with his Avatar for the first time came into my mind. I haven't seen that in a while, but it just popped into my mind. I imagine Ty, being a completely free spirit, once again able to run through a field, jump and slide in the dirt, as Sully did in his Avatar.

  174. God bless you and your family.
    Fly Ty Fly.

  175. Rest in Peace Super Ty. You are such a brave little soul, what an impact you have made on so many. Love and thoughts to the entire Campbell family.

  176. May God be with you and your family. I am amazed by your strength and the love of your family. Ty was so lucky to be surrounded with such love and genuine goodness. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. You have taught us to be even more grateful for our family and friends. I hope that you can find peace knowing that Ty is now able to play and be free. Rest in peace, you beautiful little man. Love, Katie, Rob, and Jack.

  177. What a perfect love story! God is good! God's plan is perfect! And the Campbell's lived His plan to perfection! Angel SuperTy will now take care of you! Ty's going to be the most popular angel with all that "loot" and his beautiful smile.

  178. You and Lou are incredible people, an incredible Mom and Dad, and an incredible couple! Your strength and selfishness are truly a gift. You should feel at ease knowing you made Ty welcome death and not be scared......to have fun, jump in puddles, eat candy, slide down rainbows and just be a kid.......the kid he wasn't allowed to be here on this earth. I will continue to pray for strength and peace for you all. Rest in peace sweet angel! Deb <3

  179. I am so incredibly sorry to hear of Ty's passing. He was a true super hero and fought until the very end. Thank you Ty for opening the eyes of so many to Pediatric Cancer and the need to find a cure. May you rest in peace and find Heaven to be as beautiful as you.

    Love to your entire family.


  180. My heart was torn yesterday and I couldn't believe what I was reading. I had tears flowing but at the same I said Ty is no longer in pain. I am so happy he was home with his parents who loved him and cared for him to pieces. Im also very happy he passed peacefully and is in God's hands. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The days ahead will be difficult but God will give us comfort and we will find that comfort knowing Ty is free. What a beautiful experience you had. Rest in peace Ty. Your beautiful face touched my heart from the 1st day I read a small article about you and your mommy's blog a year and a half ago. We will forever keep you in our thoughts and prayers. And we will continue to bring awareness on pediatric cancer. Take care of mommy and daddy and your family. My deepest sympathy goes out to the Campbell family. Thank so for sharing your beautiful boy with us. God Bless you. Rest in peace Super Ty

  181. Cindy, Lou & Gavin, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. I am deeply saddened by Ty's passing but your words Cindy were eloquent and beautiful, thank you for sharing your last moments with Ty. I have never met Ty or you Cindy but I have been forever changed for the better because of you both. Your tremendous love, strength, faith and courage throughout all of this is so inspirational to me an countless others. As I am flooded with tears I feel that your little boy was meant to change the world and he did that, even in the little time he was given. I hope you and Lou both find peace in knowing how much Ty has touched so many and really made so many Moms better for their little ones, I know he did that for me. There is not a day that goes by since I started reading about Ty that I don't think of him and pray for him and I will continue to do so.
    My thoughts are with you all.
    Much love,
    Jennifer, Long Island

  182. My heart is broken, tears streaming down my face. I want to scream, NO !!!. Rest in peace Ty. You are finally free. You are my hero.

    Kathy, Philadelphia

  183. I have been following your blog for quite a while now and seen it as a special treat in the morning reading it. I have never met you, Ty or your family in person but I felt so connected to you. My heart is breaking for you at the moment and I feel so sorry for you loss. God will be watching over him. God bless you all. Rest in peace SuperTy.

  184. Cindy
    My heart is hurting. I can not describe the pain. I know your pain is a thousand times more than ours. I don't know how you can possibly survive this. But I know you will. That is who you are. Your strength is amazing. TLC was a super hero. He was. He got that from you. I will always remember Ty. I will always remembe the way you gave such
    TLC to our TLC. He shared my birthday. His name has had a place on my cake for a couple of years now. It will continue to to be on there untill my last. It will now be first.

    Good night lil buddy.
    Soar high!

  185. Cindy
    My heart is hurting. I can not describe the pain. I know your pain is a thousand times more than ours. I don't know how you can possibly survive this. But I know you will. That is who you are. Your strength is amazing. TLC was a super hero. He was. He got that from you. I will always remember Ty. I will always remembe the way you gave such
    TLC to our TLC. He shared my birthday. His name has had a place on my cake for a couple of years now. It will continue to to be on there untill my last. It will now be first.

    Good night lil buddy.
    Soar high!

  186. As I read your beautiful words the most perfect song came on the radio: "My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Savior has ransomed me, and like a flood his mercy reins, unending love, amazing grace. The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures, he will my sheild and portion be as long as life endures." Thank you for the gift you have given us all. Prayers of peace that passes all understanding. Ty will live on forever. <3

    Carla, Virginia

  187. I just recently read about your story in the Journal News, I am sorry I havent been praying for you and your family sooner. Ty is an amazing soul and will always be looking down upon you...my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Rest in Peace, Ty.

  188. May light always find you when your hearts are in their darkest places, beautiful family of fighters.

  189. Thank you for sharing your incredible fight with us! May you and your family find peace, and know that you journey has inspired us all!! Rest in peace Ty!

  190. Such a beautiful post, I am beyond torn up to hear he is gone!! I was in your shows a few years ago and no mother should ever have to go through so much pain! I am just so glad he is finally resting peacefully and will not to go go through anymore more pain! My son my Ivan Seven Garcia will take care of him!! Both beautiful angels who only deserved thw very best!! Cindy and Lou both of you are the best parents ever! You sacrificed every ounce of yourself for that special boy!! Lot's of hugs and kisses for all of you!

  191. We love you all so much. Ty is in my prayers and thoughts constantly. I plead for healing, acceptance, and serenity for your family. Please allow us to continue to be with you in this journey. You are not alone, you have family that you have never and may never meet but we all feel for you and are grieving with you. I have never understood how a person can endure such pain and suffering for one they have never met, yet, the loss of Ty disproves the emotional and spiritual boundaries that were once part of my thought process.

    Once thing I ask is that you pull Gavin near, when I was a child and lost my big brother Wes after losing my father I found myself a child in total isolation with so many questions. In many ways you are so blessed, you have a large family and friends to be there with you in this time, try as much as you can to let them be there with you.

    If you ever need anything you have my contact information.

    Love you all, love you sweet baby boy...

    Mary E. King and the rest of the King Family

  192. My heart is so sad for Ty but at the same time I know now he will never experience pain again, eat all the candy he wants and run, jump & play for all eternity and that puts a smile on my face. Your son is nothing short of amazing! Thank you for sharing him with us. He will always hold a special place in my ❤ along with the thousands of other people whose lives he has touched. God bless your family always!


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