Trolls are always lurking

I feel so stupid, I should have knocked on wood to scare away the trolls before I started bragging about how well Ty was doing.  In fact, Lou and I were so happy and so proud of Ty’s progress that we dared visit the inpatient side of the hospital to show him off after his MRI on Wednesday.  An evil little troll must have been watching us that day because here we are four days later - as patients. 

That evil little troll is laughing at us right now. The ugliest laugh imaginable. I can hear it in my mind and I hate him.  He was probably laughing at Lou and I when we went out with friends on Friday for a belated Valentine's getaway.  He snickered when he saw me go to dinner with a bunch of girlfriends to celebrate his clean scan last night.  How dare I giggle over a margarita and indulge in quesadillas (I gave up wine for lent). 

Angry at us for smiling, he made sure that we realized how vulnerable Ty's health remains.  He reminded us that we should never get too comfortable during this healing process because things can always go wrong at the drop of a hat. 
We really don't know what's wrong with Ty, but we're trying to figure it out.   Bottom line, he is sick. We will be staying at the hospital overnight to monitor him, and he is on morphine to manage his head pain.  His CT scan showed nothing of concern (no vascular issues, no shunt issues, no CANCER-issues, thank God) but his symptoms seem to tell another story.  They swabbed his nose and that culture came back positive for a virus, so some of the doctors thought he may have sinus pain but Lou and I know it's more than that.  His head pain is too severe to be the result of a common cold.  He also started throwing up his apple juice later today which is not a normal occurrence.  He has a stiff neck.  He seems to have waves of pressure where the head pain breaks through the morphine for a few seconds at a time.  Poor Ty.  We just need him to get well soon.  No more setbacks.  Ever upward!!


  1. Prayers going up for Ty. Hope he heals up quickly so he can go homr

  2. Oh poor Ty! Keeping all of you in my prayers.

  3. Praying and praying and praying - hope he's better and home soon!

  4. Sounds like he caught a hospital kootie during his MRI visit. Stay strong he will get through this nasty bug!!! Don't let those grumpy trolls steal your positive spirits -- YOU GOT THIS!! Prayers love and hope always!! <3 <3 <3

  5. Awwwww poor little sweet pea. I will be praying for him tonight. Headaches hurt! I can tell from the pic that he is in pain. I thought it was cute that he had a super hero tucked in with him :)

    Lots of prayers tonight for Super Ty!

  6. Cindy, What the heck? I hope you are ok and that Ty gets the meds he needs to not be in pain. Let us know when you hear something. We love you guys! Tell Ty we love him and we hope he feels betta!

  7. He looks so adorable and healthy in the picture. I hope his head pain goes away and there is a good explanation for it. No more scary trolls. I corralled every last one of them and threw acid on them and they disintegrated.

  8. Hang in there Super Ty! I'm praying for you!

    Prayers from Texas,

  9. Wow, I was so shocked when I opened this post up... just a tiny setback. Ty probably caught something while in the hospital, there are certainly a ton of nasty bugs going around. Stay strong and don't let those damn trolls take you down! Super Ty to the rescue:)

  10. Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

    Please get better TY!!
    many prayers from Baltimore, Md

  11. I just read the last month and 1/2 of posts because I was behind and I'm so sorry to see that after all of the progress and fun you guys were having tubing, making beautiful V-day cards and most importantly celebrating that Clean MRI and NED, he is now in the hospital. I just want to wipe those little tears away in his picture :( I have to say Cindy NEVER be disappointed or feel guilty for having celebrated his healthy progress. That is something u should all be so proud of and revel in even if it's just for a night. Ty and all of u go thru so much on a daily basis so being happy and joining friends and family to celebrate that happiness is applauded and what you should be doing. Those trolls don't stand a chance against Super Ty!!! Like ur friend Colleen said, those suckers are burned with acid. Keep ur heart full and ur hopes high and know this storm too shall pass. Remember all the love and prayers going out to each of you and keep those tokens of positivity close by as u always do. We're here for u in every way so thanks for keeping us posted on his progress. Love and Hugs to Ty, Gavin, you and Lou. And Angels are coming with Blessings! <3


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