Better today

With the exception of a horrible headache around noon and some nausea at night, Ty had a pretty terrific day.  He is still awake right now (it's 11:30PM) and demanding my attention, so I won't be able to share many details, but the quick update is that we are trying to go home tomorrow.   I will be going to bed tonight snuggling my little man and hoping the stars are aligned.  Goodnight, and thank you for reading these posts!  Hugs and kisses from Ty. 


  1. I hope you feel better tomorrow Super Ty!!!

    Prayers from Texas,

  2. Hope you are going home today! I ran my first ever race today - a 10K that benefited finding cures and doing research for children's cancers - thought about Super Ty the whole way - he was my inspiration and I am proud to say I finished the whole thing without walking (my goal) and about 7 minutes quicker then I thought I would!

    Lots of prayers from GA!


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