How do I love you?

This is the title of one of the books I've been reading to Ty ever since he was a tiny baby.  Among so many others.  The answer I always tell Ty is "I love you infinity."  You already know that he tells us how he loves us "big much" ever since he was two years old.  He made that up himself and it's totally adorable.  And you know I always tell him I love him "more" and if he answers back "no, I love you more!" I tell him I love him "the MOST, case closed, no backsies" (has everyone used those terms as kids or is that just a Long Island thing?).  But, if the conversation starts where he asks me how much I love him, I tell him infinity.  I explain that if I were to stretch out my arms to show him how much, they would stretch on and on and on into forever and they would never ever end.  That's how much.  I love Ty and Gavin with every tiny, teeny, itsy bitsy microscopic piece of my existence. 

So, tonight I laid in bed with Ty to put him to sleep and we had shared such a sweet prayer.  He usually prays at night with Lou and they have a whole routine, but tonight I was alone with him so I made pretend I didn't know how to do it.  He thought that was so funny so he walked me through my prayers and told me what to say.  At the end he says "tank you, God, por no more cancer, good night Uncle Jimmy, Amen."  It was so sweet in his adorable little voice.  I know God was listening and smiling down on that perfect little boy tonight. 

Three more days of radiation.  Ty has been fighting me in the morning each day this week.  I think he's just sick and tired of being there.  But otherwise we try to have as much unaltered fun during the day as possible.  Today was spent with the kiddie pool set up for Gavin (who ran around naked for hours).  Ty sat on my lap and put his feet in the pool several times, and he enjoyed watching his brother running around in and out of the water. We were in and out of the house all day, it was just the three of us, and we had a wonderful day. 

I am trying so hard to enjoy these happy days without worrying too much over when the bottom is going to fall out.  That lingering thought never goes far, but I manage to keep it tucked away in a place where it remains an itch that can't be scratched but no one knows it's there. 

Here is a funny picture my other baby boy who I love to infinity and beyond ;)  Yes, he's sitting in the washing machine. 

XOXO, with love from Ty and the Campbell's


  1. I love all the happy posts! It's so wonderful that Ty is doing so well. I can just imagine his sweet little voice. Reading your posts and seeing that sweet face of Ty's just warms my heart and brightens my day.
    Love and prayers to you all! May everyday be better than the last!

  2. It has been a little while since I last posted a comment, but I want to say that even thought I am not writing as often I still check the blog and the facebook page everyday. Most importantly, I continue praying every day. I am so happy that you guys are having a somewhat normal summer with the kids enjoying the nice weather outdoors. This is how children should enjoy the summer and you are doing a fantastic job.
    My son, who is four, always thinks of the biggest number he knows to try to quantify how much he loves me and his dad. He says things like "I love you a hundred and twenty three". Children have the cutest and genuine way of expressing how much love they feel.
    I love you all 9,999,999...

  3. So cute! My mom used to say "I love you more, saw you first!" which I will always remember. No backsies, or no take backs, is definitely a Jersey thing too!

  4. My son always tells me that he loves me all the way to heaven...melts my heart. "Tank you" for sharing your story and your sweet family with us!

  5. Cindy, I look for your posts throughout the day, your family is an inspiration to me, when I am having a bad day or problem, I think of your family and what you are going through and all my problems become trivial, Ty will win and beat up this cancer, he is such a strong little boy. I would like to purchase Ty bracelets if they are still available, if so can you please let me know how I can purchase them, I would like to support Ty and his cause. Keep strong and keep fighting Ty, you will get through this, we are all rooting for you.
    Gina from Connecticut.

  6. this made me think of Ty and Gavin

  7. Cindy - What wonderful posts. It is awesome that Ty is doing so well. I am glad that despite radiation every day, you and your boys (big and small) are enjoying some normal summer fun. Thanks for all of the pictures. I think that the one from this post is my favorite, but the one of the 4 of you from the Iron Riders event is a close second.

    Have a wonderful time at the lake.

    Continued love and prayers from IL.


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