Video Montage

This video includes a lot of photos you have probably seen over the course of the past 10 months.  Some may be a little difficult to look at, but I wanted to illlustrate the truth about all Ty has been through.  Thank you so much, Janine, for helping me do this!  I enjoyed reflecting on what has been a challenging journey to say the least. Sometimes it feels like years since this all began. 

Ty has been sleeping it off quite a bit, but otherwise he's doing well.  We had a relatively quiet day on the couch watching Blue's Clues.  Go Chemo!

Ty Louis Campbell - Here Comes the Sun


  1. Really beautiful video Cindy. You did a great job. You and Ty are constantly in our thoughts. xoxo

  2. Cindy,
    I knew you would create something so perfectly beautiful to illustrate Ty's story... Once again, you AMAZE me!!! I especially love the clips and pics of Ty and Lou... sooo precious... I continue to pray everyday for our SuperTy... Let's try to catch up.

  3. Such a touching video..from a wonderful mother!
    Funny Rossano and I were just listening to that song the other day...its such a perfect song choice! Love you guys and I always have positive thoughts and faith in Ty and your family! Miss you,

  4. Ty is simply delicious!!! I could just scoop him up and run and snuggle with him all day. How lucky are you guys that you actually get to do this? And could his eyelashes be any longer? :) Praying hard in Maryland. Hugs and Kisses sweet boy!!!

  5. ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! I can't say much else except that your family continues to AMAZE ours. Go Chemo, beat up that cancer!!!

    All my love,

  6. Beautiful video. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
    Much Love,

  7. Loved the video. Keep up the fight Ty. We are praying for you.

  8. What a touching video!!! you are all so special. Keep fighting Ty, you are truly amazing and inspiring to all of us! Our prayers, love and thoughts are with you always. God Bless you !!!
    Love , Raena

  9. It is amazing to see that throughout this whole video Ty is smiling. He seems to smile no matter what obstacle he faces and that is such a testament to his strength and courage.

    LOVED the sweet and touching. You did a wonderful job.


  10. What a remarkable child.
    Think about him daily.
    Bought him and Gavin a coming home from chemo gift to hopefully keep them busy. If you have a moment to send me your mailing address to my email which is I will mail it out asap.
    From a big super ty fan (and a big fan of his magnificent parents too!)

  11. Cindy:

    As I watched the video and read the comments tears stream down my face. I am speachless and in utter awe at Ty and at you and Lou. I prayed this morning asking for an answer as to why God felt it necessary to have Ty and your family go through this. My heart simply said that Ty is special and there is beauty in this ugliness, there is bond that can never be broken, their is a union of people you will never meet that love you as deeply as though we were related to you by blood. You worry about your negative thoughts - just remind yourself - you are human and it is natural. I continue to believe that Ty will beat this. You said once you had peace. Let God continue to give you that peace somehow when those times of negatives creap in. I do not know you but I deeply love your family and Ty. I do not mean to sound corny but I have fallen in love with your family and the days when you or Ty are not doing well I find affects mine. I pray a million angles kiss Ty well. Nothing is impossible when God is in our hearts. From Georgia.

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE this montage. Cant stop thinking about lil Ty and always praying for lil Ty and your family. We pray Ty beats this and doesnt have to suffer and be in pain anymore. Please dear God hear our prayers. Sending love and prayers from California <3<3<3

  13. Ty is such a beautiful little boy. I am praying for him to beat up the cancer!

  14. Good Luck to you all, I read daily to check in

  15. beautiful..simply beautiful. Lia has played it over and over!

  16. Cindy & Lou,

    I am in love with the video of Ty and it was also so wonderful to see Ty playing with Gavin too (the video before). They are such sweet boys, and I agree that you can't worry about every little thing, that is great advice, but also easier said than done.

    I am so sorry that your family has been subjected to all this pain. My heart breaks for you everyday! But. . . Ty WILL pull through this! Super Ty :)

    Again, I await the post that Ty is cancer free! You have taught me how precious life is. Im telling you, that little boy has truly changed my life!

    Team Ty always! :)

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  17. He is the one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. Everytime I see his face his smile just lights up the screen. You did a great job on that montage and while it was very hard to see him in pain and discomfort in some pics, knowing he began to walk and is fighting so hard soothes my heart and mind. He WILL beat this I have not a doubt in my mind! Sending much love and positivity! xoxoxo

  18. I fell in love with SuperTy in January. What a beautiful little boy you have. He's in my prayers daily, as well as Gavin, Lou, and of course you Cindy!!! God~Bless you all :)

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