Another week down - Ty is still doing well

I haven't posted for a few days because Ty was actually doing so well there was a possibility we were going to be able to go home as early as Friday and I didn't want to jinx it.  It didn't matter, because Ty ended up taking some small setbacks regarding his infection anyway and it was decided that we should stick with the original plan and tough out the rest of radiation therapy inpatient at the hospital.  I had a feeling it was too good to be true :)

No worries, though.  Ty is feeling great.  In fact, his speech has improved so dramatically that he is saying things that I never heard him say before.  It's as if he's been harboring this vocabulary that he just wasn't able to show off yet.  I can't even tell you how good it feels when Ty helps me to read his books aloud and participates in some of the interactive shows like Dora by saying the answers out loud.  The baby that was diagnosed with a brain tumor in August is acting like himself again, only now he is a BIG BOY!

The candy cart came last night and Ty is sporting a new candy watch that he loves.  Hugs and kisses to all from the hospital.  Two weeks down, two more to go!


  1. Keep up the good work! So glad to hear this.

  2. I just love this sweet little boy so much!! Makes me so happy to see pictures of him smiling!! I hope and pray the next two weeks go smoothly and that you all receive good news at the end! Love you all so much!

  3. Cindy,

    I am so excited that he is doing so well!!! He truly is such a brave amazing little boy!! His spirit is incredible and he is an inspiration to so many people! I am so happy for you guys and hope that this two weeks speeds by and you all can go home! Team Ty! :)

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  4. All this progress! He is such an amazing kid. This is a good time for us to be hopeful. So much easier when he is feeling good. He looks so good too. Hope it up!

    Thanks for the good news. And what a SMART looking watch ;)

  5. Cindy - Wonderful news. He looks great in the new pic, thanks for posting. So glad that the infection is better.

    Love and kisses for you, Lou, Ty and Gavin.


  6. TYYYY!!! I love the candy watch... I had a candy Hello Kitty one not to long ago myself :O)

    Two more weeks little man!!! I can't wait for you to be able to go home, I know you can't eiter...

    I hope you have a great weekend and that the candy cart comes around A LOT MORE!!! Go play some BINGO and have a great one.

    Love Ya, Mary E. King, and the rest of the King family!!!

  7. Ty, you are such an amazing little man! You are truly a miracle in the making. You're such an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work and you'll be leaving that hospital very soon. You and your entire family are in our prayers. Love ya!!!

    The Bonesteel Family
    Indianapolis, IN

  8. He looks so great in this picture. Love that smile!!! Praying for you everyday!

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