As usual, I spoke too soon

Whoops!  We did not end up getting discharged today as we thought.  It's okay, though, because Ty is doing really well and that's all that matters.  He was awake and active for the majority of the day today, and his speech has drastically improved.  We are here because it turned out that he needed a blood transfusion to replace some of the hemoglobin decifits resulting from radiation therapy.  Then our primary doctor came to examine Ty at the only time of day when he was extremely irritable and uncomfortable.  He felt that Ty should be observed for one more day and we were fine with it because by the time the transfusion was done it was already evening rush hour.  So, Lou came into the city and we kicked back with sushi, beers and Backyardigans. Ty is already asleep in bed with Lou and holding his hand sweetly.  Hopefully we will have a good night's sleep.  Goodnight all!


  1. Awww!!! This picture melts my heart! I love Ty and think about him constantly! My prayers are with you all each and every day!!!

  2. Poor little man... :O( I don't know how you hold so strong. Check in again in the AM... Sleep tight sweet baby boy.

    Much love, Mary E. King, and the rest of the King family.

  3. This is a very touching picture, and I am sure that Ty finds comfort in having you both by his side. Cindy, please send me both Ty and Gavin's clothes and shoe size's so that I can send them some new clothes and I am sure they are both growing fast and you simply do not have time to go shopping. E-mail me this information and I will get started on it as soon as I hear from you. E-Mail: Please allow me to do this for these little trooper's.
    Prayers and Hugs to all of you.

    Debbie in Arkansas.

  4. I am praying for Ty and your family every day. You are all amazing people and wonderful parents. I think of all of you often.

    A mom in Buffalo.

  5. Cindy,

    He is such a strong little boy! I cant even get my 3 year old to sit still at the doctor. He cries as soon as he gets in to get weighed!
    But look at your little man, such a big boy! I am so happy to hear that his speech has improved and he is feeling a little better. That must be such a relief for you to be able to understand him. How frustrating that must have been. I love this picture of Ty and Lou. I pray for your family all day. You guys are always in my thoughts! Please keep us updated!

    Joy Marielle
    Baltimore, MD

  6. Sweet baby boy Ty,
    I hope you are having a great morning! Pain free and strong is the theme for today!!! :O) If you only knew all that are praying for you and that have you in their mind and heart. While in the office today I can’t help but talk about you to everyone who will listen. They ask, “and how do you know him?” logical question I guess for someone to possess so much care and concern. I simply respond that I don’t but I feel that I do.
    Stay strong today sweetheart, big things are to come.
    ***Love ya*** Mary E. King and the rest of the King family.

  7. I do so hope you get to go home today. I have the feeling we'd get to see more smiles if Ty gets to go home so I will be praying for Ty to feel great today. Beat that cancer up!

  8. The picture is precious. I have prayed that God sends my Guardian Angel to help Ty's out and help him keep the fight. I want to send Ty something special to keep by his side. Please email me a delivery address. I have thought about sending it to the hospital but concerned it will get to you and it is my hope you will not have to be there. My email is God bless.

  9. I like your attitude! Roll with each situation believing that it MUST be for the best. I know that is hard but it's the best state of mind. Even if you can believe it for a moment and then go back to being cranky or pissed or whatever. Think of it as cracking the door open to all of the great possibilities and leaving it cracked open.

    There is really no good argument against great things being absolutely possible, no matter how bad things may seem. So keep that door cracked open, and when you are feeling negative, you don't have to worry because the positive is flowing right in.

    Remember there is definitely guidance from a far and things are being orchestrated in Ty's best interest. I truly believe this and I think you have seen the signs too. If we keep a little door cracked open, the rest is done for us. Isn't that great???

  10. I have my whole class looking at Ty's blog now and every one is saying "Go Ty beat that cancer up". They are also saying,"Ty is so strong, a true fighter in the heart and soul"."We are all praying for him. He is a real fighter.

    A 7th grader from St. Denis School

  11. Cindy - What a beautiful picture of Lou and Ty. I am so happy that his speech has improved. Sushi, beer and backyaridgans is definitely better than rush hour traffic. Hope you all had a quick, easy treatment this morning and that you are now home getting plenty of Gavin hugs.


  12. Cindy you continue to be an inspiration to me as such a strong, sane and beautiful person. You have taken the definition of love and devotion to a new level.
    That picture has captured what you and your family have and will get you through this-strength, beauty and unity.

  13. love the photo cindy. ginger and i texted you today and now i am not sure if you will get it. let us know if you do end up coming home for Wednesday. we were planning on making a short visit but only if you are up for it. I have some messages from some locals for you and some information :-) i hope ty has a good night sleep. -M


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