Ty is doing well

Yes, this picture of Ty and Gavin was taken TODAY.  Doesn't he look amazing?

Ty's breathing tube and bandages were removed yesterday.  It was a difficult experience for me and Lou to witness his extubation, but such a relief when they wheeled that ventilator out of his room.  We were told that Ty was going to have to wake up completely and show signs that he was capable of breathing on his own before they could attempt to remove the tube.  When his vitals were stable the day after surgery they stopped his sedatives in order to rouse him.  Within a couple of hours he became more and more conscious of his surroundings.  His face told me he was absolutely horrified and confused.  He couldn't speak, he wanted that tube out of his throat and it appeared as though he was gagging.  I just kept apologizing to him, caressing his face and telling him they would remove the tube as soon as possible -- and they did!  We had to step out of the room during the actual process, but I watched the whole thing through the window (as any mother would) and it was really quite quick.  He did great.  His throat is sore and scratchy, but he is talking and really recovering well. 

I don't expect to have any definitive updates on next steps until later this week (i.e. whether or not he will be going straight to Boston for radiation or if we will return to his original chemo regimen for a while), but I do know that his surgical team is eager to give him a new VP shunt no later than Friday and we may even be able to go home soon after that.  For those who are keeping track, this will be his fourth VP shunt. 

It's really too soon to say what's next, but I am hopeful that we will go home soon and get a week or so of quiet time before jumping into the next course of action.  We need Ty back in tip-top shape beforehand.  Just seeing how well he is doing after his craniotomy convinces me that he will continue to win this incredible battle... he's one amazing little man. 


  1. Cindy, God Bless your SUPERHERO Ty! So glad to see him with his brother. Brotherly love is truly amazing! Prayers will continue and sending you lots of love and strength as you prepare for the next part of Ty's treatment. Your friend, Janine

  2. Such sweet boys! They are both just so cute and I love their smiles! So happy to hear Ty is doing well. You are ALL so amazing. It's the love you have for each other that give you the strength to endure and you WILL succeed. Sending more hugs, love and kisses to Ty! You are always in our thoughts and prayers ♥

  3. such incredible news!! i think about your little boy every day. keep getting better ty!!!

  4. Love the picture of the boys. And so happy to hear that Ty is recovering well from his surgery. I just tucked my kids in and we mentioned Ty as we always do in our prayers. A Keep fighting, Ty!

  5. What terrific news. Super Ty wins again!!
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Sooo happy for you!!! Ty is our family's prayers. We are praying for a miracle, they do happen. All our love. Ty you are a fighter and will win

  7. Ty is amazing!!! What a strong, determined little boy. Thanks for sharing the great news. Our prayers continue! My mom has her friend's prayer group praying for Ty as well. Great pic of him and Gavin.

  8. Great news! Great photo! :-) so happy he is doing well. Please let us know when Ty comes back to Pawling !!

  9. You are just an incredible family, strength and grace that I can not even begin to fathom. Bated breath every day I check this site and couldn't have read a better title! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love.

    Maggie Lundervold

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Campbell I happen to come across your story upon signing on to my AOL account. I would like to talk briefly with you on some very interesting findings. You may have received an email from me this morning with my contact information. But please feel free to email me: stopsuffering@aol.com

  12. Greetings Cindy and Louis,

    I am a person who helps others heal. I specialize in working with children, and all people with cancer, disease, or terminal illness. The people I am sharing this gift with are experiencing life changing healings.

    I believe I can be of assistance to your son, and I invite you to contact me for that reason. My website is www.aspiritedplace.com.

    Blessings and love and light to you this day,


  13. Cindy, you don't know me...I don't know you, but I ready Ty's, your story this morning and I am brought to tears by your strength as a mother, your husbands support, as a father, and your son's...journey...strength, struggle, pain, and testimony! I had a set of identical twins October 6, 2009 that spent 30 days in the NICU and I would pass by the PICU every day and one day I asked - what exactly is the PICU? When I was told, that is where your daughters would go if they had to come back to the hospital after leaving the NICU...I dreaded if that day every happenend. I thank the Lord that it has not, but my heart aches for you...I know right now you are in "MOM" mode and you are doing WHATEVER you need to do necessary to keep Ty going - happy - joyful and loved...boy, is he LOVED! I have faith - I am a Christian and I have NO idea why God allows these types of things to happen to such little ones, God's chosen little gems, but I WILL tell you that (oh, I hope this gives you SOME peace) HE IS THERE! God is probably more visable to Ty than you or I even know...I wouldn't doubt that he sees him often, and knows His face better than you or I could imagine. I know Ty's testimony will and HAVE touched many and your family (including little Gavin) will be in my prayers and I WILL be keeping up with you all...God's blessings and strength to both of you - and Hey! Super-Mom...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!! Corsu M.

  14. Cindy, I just read your story on Parent Dish and then came here to your blog. What an incredible story. As a mother of 3 I can only imagine what you are going through. But I LOVE your positivity. I know it is helping all of you and helping your little one heal. He needs to see his Mommy and Daddy believing he'll get better. You are all in my prayers. God Bless You and Ty and your family.

  15. Cindy, I hope this may help your little warrior. I believe in Native American Medicine. A friend of mine whose son was diagnoised with Hodgkins had tried this. I had found that Native American's drink Violet Tea to purify their blood. My friend's son would drink a cup a day for a month. His tumor disappeared and he is now a father himself. My prayers are with your family and your BRAVE LITTLE WARRIOR. MAY THE GREAT SPIRIT GUIDE HIM ON OVERCOMING THE BATTLE THAT NO CHILD SHOULD HAVE TO FIGHT.


  16. My prayers go out to your family. And I also wanted to give you a site to look at. You make the call. Just wanted to be sure to give you the information so you can make an informed decision. I feel it is worth looking into.



  17. Just read the story about Ty on AOL news feed. My prayers go out to Ty and your entire family. What an amazing little boy to endure all he has and still have the cutest little smile on his face. God bless you all. Looking forward to the day you post "Ty is cancer FREE!"
    Susan - Asheville, NC

  18. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will add Ty and your family to my daily prayer list. I thank God for parents like you and your husband, family first and not afraid to share your triumphs and trials with others. Your story will change lives and lift spirits and challenge us all to complain less and pray more! In Jesus name, touch, heal and deliver Ty from this cancer, so that he may be a willing worker in your vineyard one day and telling a dying world that Jesus lives! Be encouraged and God bless you all!

  19. I read about Ty on ParentDish and I was amazed by your family's strength and love. Ty is a very brave little boy, and he is lucky to have such a supportive and loyal family. I am praying for him and wish you all the best of luck!

  20. My prayers are with you and you family.
    I just recently watch THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH and read Dr Max Gersons book on cancer cures with proven case study's on healed cancer patients is there an address i can send a copy of this information to. It may be the answers to pray. But as a mother also I know I'd want to know what was out there and try whatever I could to save my child. I hope you get this in time. ALL life is precious All

  21. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you! Such a sweet little boy. You have all inspired me to never take what I have for granted. God bless you all!

  22. Hi Cindy... I heard about your story in my social work class and my heart goes out to you and your family. Ty is such a cute little boy and I love his determination and faith and hope that he will get better. I know he will beat this cancer and the cancer will disappear in the name of Jesus.

  23. I was brought to tears by Ty's story and have posted the article on my FB page in the hopes that people will continue to pray for him, you and your family. He is such a beautiful, brave & strong boy and it's because of you & your husband that he is where he is today. Your strength, perserverance & positivity keep him grounded and fighting the good fight. My prayers are with you to heal & to stay uplifted & win this battle. God Bless! xoxoxo


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