Christmas wishes

No more cancer, no more hospital. Ty declared this at the dinner table loud and clear last night, interrupting a conversation lou and I were having with our friends Rudy and lynda. That is ty's christmas wish (and for Santa to bring the remote control big foot - thank you friends of Karen!!!!).

I just finished putting presents under the tree and eating santas milk and cookies and despite how tired I am, I just can't go to bed without thanking all of the amazing people who have made this christmas so special for Ty. First, I didn't mention the amazing treat that Patrick Harten arranged for Ty during our trip to disney. He is an air traffic controller and our pilot made a special announcement for Ty Campbell during our flight that he got clearance to cut the line on the jetway and to fly over manhattan. Wow, was it breathtaking. And Ty was so excited to tell everyone on the plane "that's me!" when he heard his name.

When we returned home from Disney, our house was glowiing in christmas lights and decorations galore. I mean, you can probably see our home from outer space and I'm not exagerrating. Thank you Charlie, for arranging such a special surprise and to all of you near and far who helped make it happen. Alex and Sharon and, of course, Beth, win the long distance award for driving from long island to freeze their tails off decorating. I wish I could have captured ty's reaction for you, it was priceless.

Finally, we have received a multitude of special gifts from people near and far who have been touched by Ty. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it has been and how much it helped make this Christmas easier for all of us on several levels. A special thank you to my long beach secret santas. ThAnk you! It was magical when I opened that box filled with toys for Ty and Gavin all wrapped up from Santa because I haven't had a chiance to do any shopping. What a lifesaver and I can't wait to see what's inside :)

God bless all of you during this holiday season and every day of the year. Merry Christmas! Can't wait to post pics tomorrow. We love you all. Xoxo.



  2. Christmas wishes come true! Merry Christmas. Missing you!!!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I heard about Ty through a friend of mine at church. I am part of a Christian organization called Solace. We are a group of five families trying to live out our lives for Christ. We do our best to sacrafice time, skills and finances to share his love with others. Our organization would love to help Ty. We were thinking we could send you and your family to a indoor water park. We know of a great one called Split Rock Resort located in the Poconos. We could set this overnight up for you and your family. Please let us know if this would be something you are interested in or if our organization can do anything else for your family. Please email me at Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to hearing from you.
    In Him,

  4. Read this quote today and thought of all of you:

    “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”

    Continuing to you keep you in our prayers,
    Julie Regoso-Gardner & family


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